Righteous Rant at Broken Heart

* Vandals Continue to Show No Respect by Craig over at Broken Heart highlights one of Rogers Park's less savory cultural aspects: Disregard for property, disregard for the look of the neighborhood, animalistic behavior.

Let's not mince words, folks. The "writing on the wall" is nothing more than a dog with hands pissing on a fire hydrant. It's frustrating to watch people wantonly tossing beverage cans and other trash out of car windows, people casually dropping garbage from their lazy hands onto the sidewalk. They do not care. The do not respect. They do not, therefore, deserve respect.


  1. Saw a couple of younger Black kids crossing Morse near Ashland, they threw down their empties with a real sense of achivement. It was as if that was the very reason they bought the drinks to begin with.

    Saw what looked to be a White business guy sitting in front of my place eating in his car, when he pulled away he left us the remains, cup, paper box containers, little bag for the french fries (you guys are off the freedom fries thing now right?)

    Then there were the two well dressing attractive ladies who emptied their car's thrash at our crub.

    I struggle to understand it. But I know where they see it at. We had grown ups on our block doing the same thing, repeated called to the police were the only thing that worked, that and the developer who condo-ed the building they used to live in.

    I do prefer the thrash to the dog shit however, easier to pick up.

    I grew up just as poor and just as Black we never thought wrecking the hood was a good thing, but I'm in my 40s these young gangbangerthugnazipigbuttwipecreeps are a whole other breed. They have an evil I haven't seen before.

    elect a dem in washington, Bush has cut funding for local police...look I know you're a politcal guy, you'll defend the right-republican-conservative position to your grave but you have to admit that fewer police can't be a good thing. Cops are union, dems love unions etc. You know the story. But without starting a political fight I think the police are our only hope of getting control, that or forced abortion.

    Too lazy to proof this so go ahead, attack my grammer and say I'm smoking stuff I don't care I just want the thrash and dog shit to stop.

  2. Captain:
    Your comment started out so well that I was about to congratulate you for finally writing while sober. Alas, you disappointed us once again.

    I'm not sure why you want to politicize the issue of littering, but I'll play wit ya.

    "Elect a dem in washington," you wrote. Huh? Then something about Bush cutting funds for local police. Huh? What do either of those things have to do with an endemic subculture that permits - even encourages - littering and disrespect for property and the aesthetics of a neighborhood?

    Yah, sure, cops could make more arrests of taggers and litterers, but even a baby-eating reactionary wing nut like me thinks the police have more important things to do. You know, like catching gangstas. Taggers are annoying, but they are not dangerous.

    Then you got all sidetracked with abortion. What the HELL does that have to do tagging graffiti or littering??? I won't attack your grammar. I will attack your thought process. Dude, I sense a good heart and some cannabis-marinated intelligence floating around in there. You need to focus. When writing about, say, litter and graffiti, don't go off on weird unrelated tangents. Dig?

    But you are showing progress. Nurse Ratchet says you can try again.

  3. Yeah I'm with you on that and I hope that you can teach those fools something.


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