Rogers Park Bench loves real estate, so here's a real estate report for people who might be considering a move to Rogers Park, Chicago. WARNING: RUN! RUN AWAY! This place is a loony bin, friend, and the email below is a sadly representative example of the twisted mentality of many in this so-called "community." Not everyone is a moonhowler, of course, but the local Socialists are full of this kind of mentality. (Wasn't supposed to help them get over this kind of behavior?) You just know that when they aren't posting comments on local blogs they're lapping up every rotten morsel over at the Huffington Post while they sip their chai lattes and listen to Air America (when the signal bounces off the clouds well enough). If you know what's good for you, stay out of east Rogers Park. Go over to Stone's ward. Or down to Edgewater. From: "Rennett de Poisson" To: Subject: [Rogers Park Bench] New comment on Moore Challenges Gordon's Manhood. Rennett de Poisson has left a new comment on your post "Moore Challenges Gordon's Manhood": Since there is really no anonymous blogging and since the truth is pretty much out in the light and as Mr. Mannis and BH Craig Gernhardt are now indistinguishable bedfellows in the blogosphere, I kindly dump my Craig's List onto the rickety Bench- Pls enjoy~ *Craig- just plant them in your ass! (the flowers for the spring show) :) You were mean. You lost. You think Joe sucks- well- Joe won. "No- we have no banannas today!" Please shut up and get lost now. RP is so tired of you, we could spit blood! P 8:17 AM Rennett de Poisson said... Ring the Bells! Shout from the steeples!! The sun has risen over Rogers park and there is nothing left of Skeletor but ashes and brown bananna peals! Let My People Go! Free at Last, Free at Last!! We gots mo Moore, but no more nannas for the jungle!!" Toni Duncan is back in her tar pit.. and BH and RPBench and Michael Harrington and Dan Sullivan are having their beer crazed orgie on the floor of the Dagel & Belly- on their bellies... Bottoms up! Woof say the hounds!! Now the people who trusted in difference and reveled in diversity will lead while you can only watch as good things happen that you can never embrace because you could not control the events of their making! Lie low! Lie low! And with this last cowardly blogobite, I say look out on the street for neighbors who figured you out, who no longer use hands to type but fall back to the prehistoric right-cross and sucker punch! POW!! Death to tyrants of the mind, anger peddlers and their kind!! Amen No- Gordo lost it because he didn't speak out against your hate! And next time I and my Ginderske/Moore/Heartland/art studio and balcony and beachdwellers see you on the street, our comments will NOT be anonymous! Once you sat in the Red Line Tap next to me and spewed silly bile- now you have defined all that is worst of our age and I will reward you with my not so covert condemnation. Please stop and just be quiet. You didn't lose the race for Don- you had lots of lil dirty rotten scoundrels to help you, so no- you don't get to take an ego trip on the wings of defeat!? PS- the Alderman's Intern is tired of you too and merely wants to say two words> diaper rash!! Joe Moore was forced into a runoff by 51 votes and didn't cry and whine like you people. He won. Don lost. Lesson over. Grow up and starting thinking about how to transcend your pettiness and work with the Alderman for the next few years to do some good. He's ready and waiting and much sobered by his narrow victory over an incompetant racist moron. Posted by Rennett de Poisson to Rogers Park Bench at April 18, 2007 8:53:00 AM CDT

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