A Rational Liberal Disses Moore

From the blog "Liberal Out of Water," this biting piece. She's a Democrat with her eyes wide open. Dierdre is so damned rational I've added her to my "Everywhere Else" blogroll. When I lived in Chicago, I was a resident of the 49th Ward, infamous for our absolutely idiotic, self-serving Alderman, Joe Moore....the man famous for introducing the bill to ban froie gras in Chicago to the City Council, which idiotically voted the ban into effect. Mind you, as a vegetarian I am not a big fan of the cruelty inflicted on geese to make the froie gras....but as a resident of Rogers Park, it was hardly relevant to my every day life in a Ward that had some pretty serious issues that were being ignored by its leadership. Something to know about the 49th Ward -- I would guess that before the Alderman introduced the bill, about 87 percent of his constituents had no freakin' idea what froie gras even is. We certainly didn't care about it nearly as much as we cared about the crime rate, housing and business development in our community. I would think Alderman Moore would have been more interested in the house where they were dealing heroin two doors down from me and less than a block from his office....silly me. Read the rest of this piece...

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