"DON GORDON WANTS TO DENY POLICE THE TOOLS THEY NEED TO FIGHT CRIME," reads the frantic and scary headline on one of Joe Moore's aldermanic campaign tree corpses.
My friend Barry recently chided me for "spreading fear" when I said that there are criminals within the Section 8 community. Jeez o' Pete, man, there are criminals within every community, whether rich, poor, black, white, tall, short. But Barry didn't like the truth when he heard it, so he countered by accusing me of spreading fear.
Barry, would you please tell the Moore people to stop spreading fear? The flier headline above is obviously intended to scare people, Barry. You scare people how? By spreading fear! YES! I see a glint of comprehension in your eyes! Stay with me now, Barry, stay with me.
Taken literally, as Moore wants us to, an ignorant/stupid person might believe that Don Gordon would take away guns, squad cars, bullet-resistant vests, two-way radios, computers, handcuffs, bullets, night sticks, and coffee from the police. You'll notice that the headline did not say that Gordon wants to take away "some of the tools." It screamed "the tools," purposefully implying all tools. Shameful.
Moore is spreading fear!
Oh my God! The Republicans will eat our children!
It wasn't that long ago that Joe Moore's campaign was telling people that Jim Ginderske was a Republican who wanted to get rid of all the black people in Rogers Park.
That lie was obviously meant to scare people. To spread fear. And now they're trying to pull the same crap on Don Gordon.
Hey, I'm a moderate conservative and I can tell you this: I've spoken with Don Gordon enough to know that the man is no Republican. Whoa. No way. But here again is a case of Joe Moore lying, in a way intended to scare people.
I woke up this morning with a chuckle. My alarm clock radio awakened my to a Joe Moore interview on WLS AM (890).
The reporter asked Moore why he was running city-wide television commercials, and whether this indicated "desperation" on Moore's part.
Moore explained to the reporter that he wanted everyone to know that Don Gordon got a donation from a man who has also donated to (gasp!) REPUBLICANS! Lock the doors!
The reporter calmly responded, "So?"
There was a long, long pause. Dead air. Joe's brain spinning around. Finally, he responded.
"Well we want Rogers Park to know that Republicans are trying to take over the businesses!"
I had to wipe my eyes, I was laughing so hard. My first thought was that Moore was lying, that Gordon is no Republican, and that the business climate in the 49th Ward couldn't possibly be any worse off if so-called Republicans did "take over." How well has the business community done under Joe Moore's "progressive" authority?
How many of your friends and neighbors actually work in the 49th Ward? I'll bet that most or all of your friends work outside the ward. There are not many good opportunities here, in spite of another of Moore's lies that "everywhere you look" there's a new cafe or some other business opening. Hello? What dimensional plane is Joe Moore living on?
So sleep with the lights out, Barry, it is not my fear mongering you need to worry about. It's your friends in the Moore campaign who are spreading fear. You can feel good about that.
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