No Peace, No Justice

Oprah Winfrey did her talk show live Thursday to interview the Rutgers Women's Basketball Team and head coach Vivian Stringer about the controversy swirling around the insults and firing of radio personality Don Imus. "I speak for myself and other women when I say you should know have made us so proud by the way you have handled this entire ordeal," Winfrey said. "You have handled it with such grace." Yes they did. The ladies were pissed off and rightly so, and they responded in a dignified manner. They responded gracefully to a stupid insult. I can't wait for Oprah to have those three guys from the Duke Lacrosse Team on, to say to them that they handled their year-long ordeal "with such grace." They did, you know. The men were pissed off, scared, slandered, libeled, had their lives threatened, called racist names, came close to being imprisoned, and nearly had their reputations smashed forever. Yet, they responded in a dignified manner to a threat to their lives, to their very beings. Don Imus apolgized to the Rutgers Women's Basketball Team. He apologized for saying someithing stupid, rude and racist. They accepted his apology. Their fifteen minutes of non-suffering is over. Don Imus was fired. Twice. The whore who falsely accused the Duke lacrosse players of sex crimes has not, as far as I know, apologized. The criminally negligent and career-driven pig of a district attorney Mike Nifong has not issued a sincere apology. The young men's year of fear and suffering is finally over. Nifong is now in deep shit. But will Jesse Jackson apologize? How about Al Sharpton, or any of the dozens of Duke faculty members who presumed them guilty and slandered them? Will any of them be fired? Don't count on it. But Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong was far from the only one pointing fingers at Reade Seligmann, Collin Finnerty and David Evans. MORE at NYPost... No peace. No justice.

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