
A Moronic Post From Rob Nesvacil

Rob Nescavil is a political hack, machine cog and moron. No doubt he's tied in big with the local machine cogs. He is a Joe Moore fan, too, and twists the facts on Moore's D2 info to the point of embarassment. He attacked friend John Ruberry (Marathon Pundit) recently for a piece he wrote in ILLINOIZE, all the while twisting facts to defend known liar Joe Moore. Nescavil is one of those sneaky smarmosets who pretends to be objective and thoughtful even though he is as biased as anyone. Hey, John Ruberry is opinionated, but unlike Nescavil, he let's you know he's presenting opinion, and I know that John does indeed to his research, contrary to what political hack Nescavil says. An excerpt from Nescavil's moronic post: For Ald. Moore’s 3/18/07 D-2 filing shows $129,131.45 in cash and in-kinds (no loans). Again, there are a plethora of A-1 reports which may actually total more than Mr. Gordon’s. WTF, Nescavil? Moore spent more in a month's worth of lie-filled glossy four-color tree killing mailers than Gordon had in his entire war chest. Read the entire moronic post from Nescavil. Don't take my word for it. Nescavil exposed himself well enough.


  1. Mr. Mannis,

    My post was more about John Ruberry's lack of fact-checking (and his bizarre lack of context, trying to paint Ald. Moore's statement as being about restaurant associations instead of Mr. Gordon's wealthy Republican donors).

    I've never said Illinois Reason is not opinionated -- clearly it is.

    But Illinois Reason is also about pointing out conservative hypocrisy, misinformation and lack of fact-checking (among other things).

    That you call me a 'hack' and 'machine cog' is funny -- I couldn't even vote in this race if I'd wanted to. I'm a suburbanite.

    And, you've spelled my name wrong everywhere but in your title (common mistake).

  2. You are an idiot, sir. To say that one wrote a "moronic" piece is to say that they are a moron. You may argue about the completeness of John's piece, but to pronounce it moronic is hyperbole. Why are you so hung up on the handful of Gordon's "wealthy" contributors, but you give Moore's wealthy (and stealthy) contributors a pass? Hypocrite. You wrote, "That you call me a 'hack' and 'machine cog' is funny -- I couldn't even vote in this race if I'd wanted to. I'm a suburbanite." I repeat that you are an idiot. Being a hack or a machine cog has NOTHING to do with where you are registered to vote. For you to write such a stupid thing is insulting to my readers. Finally, as for misspelling your name, I spell it I-d-i-o-t.


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