Joe Moore's Irregularity Problem

This alderman could use a good colonic, know what I mean? This email is no surprise to anybody in the ward who pays attention. Let's just hope the authorities are paying attention, too.
Please don't post my email address or name, but I have a question as I don't know as well as others might, but when you go to vote, don't you have to provide more than just blurting out your address? I vote in the 13th precinct and people just gave their address. I brought my ID and a statement from my mortgage lender to prove my identity. (I couldn't find my registration card in my messy pile of papers on my desk.) It really seemed like I didn't need it. I wasn't watching like a hawk, but there were people ahead of me who I could not see showing a registration card or any form of ID, just giving an address and name. Just wondering if you had any idea what they are required to verify or if they have the freedom to take someone for their word on the information they give?


  1. When you register to vote you have to provide your signature. That signature is then recorded in that big fat book the judges have. When you come in you say your name and or address.

    At that point the judge has you sign. If you're signature matches - then you can vote. If it doesn't match, or you've been challenged by a pollwatcher, then you have to prove your identity.

    This can be done in several ways:
    (1.) you show a drivers liscense or other valid ID
    (2.) you know your SSN# and date of birth
    (3.)i forget

    The point is - no you DO NOT NEED ID. and should NOT be asked for one. That is tantamount to voter suppresion. However, if a pollwatcher has reason to believe that you don't live where you stated you live, or the judge sees your signature doesn't match up - then you should be asked for ID.

  2. Thanks, Five Oh.
    NOTICE TO READERS - I am not challenging Five Oh, but nothing in this blog is meant as legal advice or counsel. Please check legal sources directly for yourself. Nothing personal Five Oh. Book 'em!


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