Joe Moore Masticates In Public

Chicago - (RPB) - Restaurant patrons in Chicago's Rogers Park neighborhood are whispering about Alderman Joe Moore (49th Ward). In recent weeks, he has been seen masticating while sitting at a table in full view of other diners. On a recent Wednesday evening, Moore, an alleged homo sapien, was dining with his former challenger Jim Ginderske, who is now part of his campaign team. Staff at the restaurant, which has requested to be unnamed, report that Moore and Ginderske masticated together while eating dinner. Throughout their dinner, patrons report, Moore allowed his epidermis to hang out. Many Rogers Park neighbors suspect that Ginderske is also a homo sapien, and two homo sapiens privately masticating with each other is not unusual in this gentrifying area. However, for two homo sapiens to masticate in such a public way is increasingly common. Neither men gave comments to RPB about the alleged public mastication.

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