Joe Moore: Liberal or Conservative?

Dr. O wrote a great piece that examines what Joe Moore is: Liberal, Progressive or Conservative. The anwer might surprise you. Or not.

Political definitions

Liberal - emphasizes individual rights. It seeks a society characterized by freedom of thought for individuals, limitations on power (especially of government and religion), the rule of law, the free exchange of ideas, a market economy that supports free private enterprise, and a transparent system of government in which the rights of all citizens are protected. In modern society, liberals favor a liberal democracy with open and fair elections, where all citizens have equal rights by law and an equal opportunity to succeed.

Progressive - economic privilege and corrupt politics threatened democracy. Progressives strove to wipe out political corruption. They also wanted to democratize electoral procedures, protect working people, and bridge the gap between social classes.

Conservative - seek to preserve the status quo, while others seek to return to the values of an earlier time, the status quo ante. Generally, at the core of political conservatism is the resistance to change and a tolerance for inequality, and that some of the common psychological factors linked to political conservatism include: Fear and aggression; Terror management.

Joe Moore has accused Don Gordon of being a Republican [as if that were a heinous crime].

Let us examine Joe Moore’s RECORD of activities to determine if he is a Liberal.

Does he seek to limit the power of government? No, he has sought to enhance the power of government by imposing restrictions upon free trade (Big Box ordinance).

Does he seek the free exchange of ideas? No, he limits the ideas of others at community meetings and has shown a preference for his ideas and those of his minions to be heard, drowning out conflicting ideas.

Does he seek a free-market economy? No, see above Big Box ordinance.

Does he seek a transparent system of government? No, he has shown to prefer private meetings with only like-minded individuals present.

Does he seek to preserve the rights of ALL citizens? No, he has shown that the rights of campaign contributing landlords and developers trump the rights of tenants.

Does he seek open and fair elections? No, he has shown a distain for the rules imposed by the Board of Elections pertaining to electioneering near polling places, along with the gentlemanly notion of fair play by attempting to drag his opponent’s name through the mud.

Does he seek an atmosphere where all citizens have equal rights and opportunity to succeed? No, he has shown the desire for HIMSELF to succeed at any cost, including at the right and opportunity of his constituents.

Upon examination, Joe Moore is definitely NOT a Liberal.

How about a Progressive?

Does he seek an atmosphere free of economic privilege? No, his record of service to developers and other campaign contributors, even at the expense of his constituents, has shown that economic privilege is necessary for his attention.

Does he see an atmosphere free of political corruption? No, see above pertaining to open and fair elections.

Does he seek to eliminate political corruption? No, see above pertaining to open and fair elections.

Does he seek to bridge the gap between social classes? No…though he may have said he would like to accomplish this, he has DONE nothing to achieve this goal.

Upon examination, Joe Moore is definitely NOT a Progressive.

How about a Conservative?

Does he seek to preserve the status quo? Yes, he has shown that he would like to remain in power and maintain the form and function that the system that has treated him so well.

Does he seek the maintenance inequality? Yes, those with money and influence that can assist his maintaining the status quo and/or to enhance his status can receive access, while those without money or influence are ignored (until election time, of course).

Does he seek to instill fear and aggression? Yes…look at his tactics in the run-off…VERY little about policy…much about fearing that Gordon is either a racist, homophobe or a Republican.

Does he seek to manage terror? Yes, see above pertaining to fear and aggression.

Does he seek support from businesses? Yes, look around at where the campaign signs are located…mostly businesses and apartment complexes [all businesses]. Much fewer signs can be found on individual homes and as buttons on individuals.

So…let’s face it, upon examination, Joe Moore is definitely a Conservative…the VERY THING he is telling us to fear about Gordon!

Joe Moore may TELL us that Don Gordon is a Conservative (without any actual PROOF, of course). However, Moore’s record SHOWS us that Moore IS a conservative, no matter what he may say about his politics!

1 comment:

  1. Pretty damning though conservatives probably aren't trying to claim Ald. Moore. BTW, it seems that the ideological labels people use today are smeared those who say they're liberal aren't all that liberal and those who are progressive aren't all that progressive. Sometimes those who are conservative aren't all that conservative. People use the label they want to use then define as they go along what they mean.


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