
1 comment:

  1. Bull’s-Eye - A perfect 10. Maybe you could have pasted a $10 bill on it ......

    Yesterday Joe was a maggot - according to the holier than thou moral high road superior to everybody including Baby Jesus Himself Ginderski bunch. Now the tent flaps are closed, the wagons are in a circle, and all you hear from inside that camp are slurpin' sounds. My My My - Goat today, God tomorrow ....... Politics really does puke out strange bed fellows .....

    But of course all those JoMo backers out there need to realize that Moral Relativism flows two ways. The Quislings who bend with the waves have it (and cause us all to suffer because of their failings), and the Machine Politician who sells his office to Real Estate developers and then claims to be the champion of affordable housing at the same time, and lays down with the Quisling for his own advantage exhibit a moral code that flows with the waves too ..... Are you listening Katie Hogan???? Did ya catch that Michael James????? No lie too outrageous for a win ....

    Jim Ginderskie and his little storm trooper bunch of hive mind zombies have been bought (cheap), used (fast) and will soon to be forgotten. Yesterdays newspaper stuck in a fence.



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