Harry Reid's Nice Quiet Sleep

Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada) is an evil man. He is a modern Neville Chamberlain, but unlike that former prime minister, Senator Reid has bad intentions toward his own countrymen.

Reid is a traitor. He is worse than Neville Chamberlain, whose name is synonymous with “appeaser.” Chamberlain acted out of stupidity and naiveté. Harry Reid, on the other hand, is knowingly helping our enemies not in the naïve hope of achieving “peace for our time,” but for self-serving party politics. His are the politics of treason and betrayal.

In 1938, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain assured his nation that Adolf Hitler was no threat to England. On September 30, 1938 Chamberlain spoke to the people of England in a radio speech. After just returning home from the infamous Munich Conference, Chamberlain stood in front of #10 Downing Street and said the following to his nervous countrymen. (I have highlighted a few words and phrases.)

We, the German Fuhrer and Chancellor, and the British Prime Minister, have had a further meeting today and are agreed in recognizing that the question of Anglo-German relations is of the first importance for our two countries and for Europe.

We regard the agreement signed last night and the Anglo-German Naval Agreement as symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again.

We are resolved that the method of consultation shall be the method adopted to deal with any other questions that may concern our two countries, and we are determined to continue our efforts to remove possible sources of difference, and thus to contribute to assure the peace of Europe.

My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honor. I believe it is "peace for our time." Go home and get a nice quiet sleep.

Some of those phrases and words sound frighteningly familiar today. Neville Chamberlain, whose name has become synonymous with "appeaser," was not an evil man by intention. He was tragically stupid and naive, and later came to publicly regret and even apologize for his gullibility in his dealings with Hitler, a man the world already recognized as evil well before Chamberlain made his infamous "nice quiet sleep" speech.

Chamberlain’s willingness to look the other way allowed great evil, in the form of the German Third Reich, to spread its terror and mass destruction. Had Chamberlain been sharper, had he had a backbone, it is quite conceivable that Hitler might have been contained and stopped much earlier, thereby saving tens of millions of lives. But Chamberlain’s naïve quest for “peace with honor” only helped assure World War II.

The following account sums it up. (Again, I have highlighted words and phrases.)

Constant terrorist attacks as well as marches and rallies in the Sudentenland kept the Czech militia active. Again, while the government called for calm, that territory was anything but that. Using these attacks as a front, the German propaganda machine began to cry for justice for these so-called persecuted Germans in Czechoslovakia. It was expected that Britain would once again cede to the wishes of the Fuhrer. In June, Chamberlain spoke "off the record" that Britain favored turning over the Sudetenland to Germany "in the interest of peace." The League of Nations, it seemed, was dead as they failed to intervene. Chamberlain sent his representative, Lord Runciman, to Czechoslovakia to mediate between that country and the Sudeten Germans. Chamberlain had forced Runciman on the Czechs by warning of dire circumstances if they did not accept his coming. Runciman sought more and more concessions for the Sudeten Germans from the Czech president, Eduard Benes. Benes was rapidly growing tired of the whole affair.

Again, the haunting familiarity. “Terrorist attacks” were overlooked by Chamberlain, while the aggressor nation Germany loudly cried “for justice.” Chamberlain was will to allow Hitler to steal the Sudentenland “in the interest of peace.”

Echoes. We hear echoes.

Neville Chamberlain would have fit right in to Harry Reid's Democratic Party. But even The Great Appeaser Neville Chamberlain never betrayed his own nation intentionally, nor for quick, cheap political gain. He certainly never betrayed his nation’s own military personnel.

Harry Reid and other Democratic members of Congress have done just that, 62 years after a war that Chamberlain might have helped prevent or minimize. They have not learned, or do not care, and they will continue to betray our nation.


  1. I would like to suggest that we collectively ban all references to Nazis off all Rogers Park blogs forever.

  2. Oh, how I wish you would stop poking fun at my little boy on the other blog. He has started referring to everyone as Nazis! Even his father and me! As if that isn't enough, he's also started referring to the other boys in the neighborhood as Republicans.

    His father and I think it's because of all those nasty things that happened to him on the playground. It's a shame, because all that anger is also making his face break out.

    So please leave him alone. I need him to get off my computer and come upstairs now. Dinner's ready and he still has homework to finish.


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