Got His JoMo Workin'

An excellent bit of reflective writing by Lafew at The Rogers Park Inconsistent. NOTE: AS OF 2:30 PM, APRIL 18, BALLOTS ARE BEING CONTESTED. NOBODY HAS "WON" AND THE ELECTION IS NOT REALLY "OVER." GORDON HAS NOT CONCEDED. Nevertheless, Lafew's writing is excellent and great points are made. Election is Over. Will Moore let More Sun Shine in? The reason for a minimal Moore victory is based more upon the lethal combination of 49th Ward apathy, poorly educated voters, and questionable tactics. Dis-information by out-of-ward activists and short term residents, who were given marching orders, and did so blindly did not do justice. These neophytes could not figure out what to do on their own in my opinion. They did not do the right thing. Interpreted: this was Pravda, American Style. It reminds me of the Al Raby-Charlie Hayes election in Hyde Park during the Harold Washington era. MORE... (Hat tip to Broken Heart of Rogers Park.)

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