

"The Worst Left-Wing Article Ever," is what blogger Little Green Footballs (LGF) calls it. I read it, or rather I started to. I got sick to my stomach. I'll finish it later. An excerpt, in which LGF introduces the first paragraph of the article he critiques: What the hell is wrong with these people? This goes way beyond the usual leftist garbage-think, into a realm that can only be called evil.
'The American people, including the families of the murdered Virginia Tech innocents, have collective blood-guilt on their hands. 'Read the whole sick article if you can stomach it...


  1. I read the "whole sick article", which is indeed sick.

    It did not seem , at any point while writing that bilge, to occur to the author that the inability to accept responsibility for your own behavior and the concommittant sense of entitlement that has become endemic in all social classes and ethnic groups, from top to bottom, in this society, is the largest problem we have, and the enablers are on the far left and far right both.

    Cho was responsible for his own actions, and he was also responsible for his beliefs, which included a violated sense of entitlement and the notion that everyone around him was to blame for his situation in life but him.

    If we have anything to feel guilty about as a polity, it is the widespread notion that somehow we are ENTITLED, and that we are NOT RESPONSIBLE, but that someone else should be responsible for us.

    And this lack of responsibility and tendacy to scapegoat runs through every socioeconomic bracket and ethnic group in this society, and, worse, is turning us into monsters, as evidenced by these items (to list only a few):

    In affluent Orange County, CA, a new white supremist gang called Public Enemy No. 1 has arisen, and is making the vile Aryan Brotherhood (with whom they have forged connections)and is committing absolutely atrocious hate crimes, including murder and torture, against members of the various racial minorities living in CA. The gang recruits, according to the article on the RCN news portal where I read it, affluent white boys from Orange County suburbs of L.A. These boys feel that CA is being "taken" from them by the members of these minorities, as though they "own" the place.

    Item 2- Crimes against the homeless, who are our most defenseless people (now HERE is a group I want to help!)are increasingly rapidly and escalating in violence. The perpetrators tend to be white and fair-to-middling economically. The feel "entitled" to stomp, stab, and murder these harmless people because they feel that they are parasites.

    On a lighter note, some of our pandering Dem candidates for the presidency are advocating legislation to bail out the greedy, gullible and delusional borrowers who took out mortgages that were 4,5, or 6X their yearly incomes in order to A)buy $500K houses they knew damn well they couldn't afford, or B)use their houses as ATM cards to buy $50K cars, $5000 big screen televisions, foriegn travel, and fashinista clothes. Hillary, Barack, and the rest feel that middle-class greedmongers and irresponsible shoppers are "entitled" to be assisted in remaining in their minimansions at the expense of low-income wageearners who will NEVER be able to buy a house or condo, and that of prudent, honest moderate-income borrowers who have watched prices ratchet out of their range, driven by the insane lending.

    Lastly, there is the Republican crowd, who believe that the "entitlement" to the oil-wasting "American Way of Life" justifies an invasion and war that has killed over 650,000 (at least) Iraqi civilians and over 3,000 American soldiers.

  2. Mr. Tom M.

    Perhaps you have seen that the Storefront Lawyer Boy Westgard has come down from the mountain with a declaration that we all simply need to put the election in the past, get behind Joe and work hard to help him do a better job. Unfortunately, your typical Storefront Lawyer Boy thinks everything that comes out of his little slit of a mouth is pure genius.

    My response to his rantings:

    Call me bitter if you like, Storefront Lawyer Boy; it only confirms that you are of limited intellect and borderline delusional.

    Your thinking is anything but new. You are simply the latest in a long, long line of people who have all said: "Well, Joe won, but let's all try to make the most of it, work together and help Joe make Rogers Park a better place."

    Hence my original question: Where the hell have you been for the past 16 years?

    Do you honestly think that after 16 years of only showing up at election time that Joe really wants things to be different? Do you genuinely expect a complete change in his non-existent work ethic and dedication to the needs of the people he is hired to serve?

    Is your heartfelt testimony that Joe really wants to do a better job your accidental acknowledgement that he has, in fact, been an absentee alderman for the past 16 years?

    How do you weigh in on the fact that after 16 years and for the past several elections he has barely been able to get half of the voting public to swing his way?

    How would you evaluate your performance if you held a job for 16 years and half of your superiors, co-workers, and clients felt that you should be fired?

    Perhaps you are the keeper of the secret list of his real accomplishments and the great plan for our community that he has developed over the past 16 years? Please share it with us, Storefront Lawyer Boy! We could all use the laugh.

    Those of us who have actually taken measure of Joe's complete lack of work for 16 years know better. Even those of us who were once hopeful that he would do a good job for Rogers Park.

    If you would stop trying to simply win the argument and take careful stock of what the 49th Ward most needs, you won't find Joe at the top of that list. You can argue it if you like, but historical fact causes us all to know better.

    It's a pretty little bit of prose you have written, Storefront Lawyer Boy, and you're clearly already defensive about it; however, the thinking behind your cute little blog is pretty much blogged down.

    That sound you hear now is crickets, Storefront Lawyer Boy. And even they are no longer listening to you.


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