THE MOORE CAMP HAS COMMITTED A HEINOUS ACT OF MAIL FRAUD AND IDENTITY THEFT. POSSIBLE FEDERAL VIOLATIONS INVOLVED. SOMEONE'S SAFETY MAY BE AT RISK. KUDOS TO CRAIG GERNHARDT AT "BROKEN HEART" FOR THE VIDEO OF MOORE REFUSING TO TALK ABOUT IT ON CAMERA, WHICH YOU CAN SEE AT HIS ORIGINAL POST HERE. THIS IS CRAIG'S POSTING. NOTE THAT THERE IS NO SUCH ORGANIZATION AS "Republican Party and Conservatives for Don Gordon"! THIS IS A SMEAR CAMPAIGN BY MOORE SUPPORTERS AGAINST A PRO-GORDON BLOGGER! This is a message on a pink postcard, sent out to North of Howard residents. Alderman Moore doesn't want to talk about it. Conservatives for Don Gordon - allegedly paid for by the Republican Party and Conservatives for Don Gordon - 76XX N. Bosworth, Chicago, IL 60626: "I'm a property owner and live on the 7600 block of Bosworth. I'm writing to ask yiou to vote for Don Gordon for Alderman. He will make sure our property value is safe by encouraging more ownership not low income housing. Help us get out the Bananas.!!!!!" BLOGNOTES: Where do I start. First off, I'm guessing we have 'alleged' mail fraud here. It's no wonder Alderman Moore doesn't want to talk on camera. Isn't that a federal offense? More to come.

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