Degeneration of 49th Ward Political Discourse

My my. Has it really come to this? Are the anti-Gordon people really so bereft of ideas that they must now do this???


  1. I went a little overboard with the bananas myself, but at least I kept it wholesome. I realize I can now be calld a prude, but as a woman, I find that photo pretty offensive.

  2. Joe Moore must know he's going to be out of a job April 17th.

    His poling must tell him it is so, his high paid consultants supplied by Jan Schakowsky must be telling him it is so, and his dark heart must tell him it is so. This kind of stupidity is below even the uncritical minds of “Old Rogers Park”. Joe Moore is too much of a coward to meet Gordon one on one in new debates (he has been a no show at two so far I believe). Joe is too much of a coward to stand up in public himself and discuss his vision (or lack of vision), his record of corruption and influence peddling (and influence grubbing), and his aspirations to higher office (which he denies) with an honest man. Instead he sends his little army of newly bought Ginderske Zombies out to play Karl Rove / Rush Limbaugh games. Remember Swift Boat Veterans? Remember Senator Murtha? Remember stolen elections? We should all have that odd feeling of being there before as we watch Joe and his Army in action.

    The Joe Moore people have reached a point where their only goal is to protect their cushy government positions; little to nothing else matters to them. Joe is desperate to protect his political future - he's not desperate to serve and improve Rogers Park. He’s desperate to protect his ability to seek higher office (which will be zero if he looses a mere aldermanic run). He’s fighting for his political life. He’s not to make Rogers Park a better place, but to further his career. He is showing clear signs of desperation, but not on his constituent’s behalf. I have seen no hint of desperation to solve the myriad problems we have in our neighborhood. All I have seen are the actions of a hypocritical machine politician hiding in the sheep’s clothing of the "progressive cause". For years Joe Moore has done little to nothing but work to maintain a status quo which keeps him in his $120k job. I certainly do not see Joe Moore concerned with the truth, and I certainly do not see a sense of decency in him. And I certainly do not see a public servant spending his workday doing what would most benefit Rogers Park. The end is all that matters to Joe and his whispering hoard now - winning at any cost - and any means is justified.

    Make no mistake, people show their true nature – their inner devils and angels - when they are challenged. That’s when they show who and what they really are - what they really are made of. Not when they are comfortable. After all these years of cynical neglect, Joe is finally challenged by a decent man bearing the simple truth about our community, and we get a glimpse at the real Joe Moore. Read the lies in his literature. Listen to the tone of his literature. Look at the people who have spent months assaulting Joe Moore’s faults and failures in public, only to be bought off by his influence, his promises of future position and his money. Look at the election laws broken; not just buy his campaign workers, but buy Joe Moore himself. Look at the hundreds of thousands of dollars his campaign has received (often coerced) from the very people and organizations he claims at every turn to have protected the community from. It is beyond my understanding how anyone living in this community, seeing what Rogers Park is and what it is not, and hearing day in and day out, mailer after mailer, lie after lie, what Joe Moore claims versus what is here for all to see, could not understand the ugly truth of who and what Joe Moore is.

    Weeks and months of smear, misrepresentations, fabrications and just plain bold faced lies flowing out of the Joe Moore election machine like so much sewage, all funded with hundreds of thousands of shake-down pay-to-play contributions and armies of outside workers supplied by devious organizations like ACORN, should tell you loud and clear who Joe Moore is.

    The actions, deceptions and lies of amoral late coming opportunists like Jim Ginderske and Tom Westguard should make it clear enough what kind of person Joe Moore is.

    Sadly, all of this should show anyone willing to look at the truth with an open and honest mind what Joe Moore has been for a long long time.

    Rogers Park is going to get what it deserves on April 17th. I hope people care enough about their neighborhood to rise up and do the right thing. People who deport themselves in the fashion Joe Moore and his operators have in the last few weeks, do not deserve to be trusted with our government any longer. I hope we all deserve the change our community needs. People rarely get second chances in this world. Rogers Park tried to do the right thing in the February election. Now we have been given a second chance to get it right.

    Please vote for a decent upstanding man, your good neighbor, Don Gordon on April 17th. Your vote in support of Don’s candidacy will be a huge step toward bringing honesty, fairness and transparency to our community and the City Council of Chicago.


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