Dave's Last Words

Attention everyone. Dave has written! HE is wise, so we must read what he has to say, for it is extremely important! I'll give him this: He has enough spine to use his real name. Thanks Dave. Your full name will not be revealed here, because your so damned whiny and I will tear into you in a response below. Dave wrote: Hello, Since you have banned me from commenting (though I am not sure why... being that you were the one who made personal attacks against me), I thought I would let you know that you are incorrect about your Good News Community Kitchen comment. The Good News Community Church started the Kitchen, but they are no longer connected. They are two separate entities, and they have been for several years. Thanks- dave "If you want peace, work for justice" Dave My response: Dave: First, I never attacked you personally, dumbass. Oops, that was personal. Second, I believe the Kitchen is tax-exempt. Therefore, it is still a violation. Third, do not expect every comment to be published, man. If you want a guarantee that everything you write will be published, do your own blog. As for personal attacks against you, Dave, boo-fricking-hoo. This is MY blog, pal, and most idiots who write to a forum like this know that they are opening themselves up to ridicule, if not from the blogmaster then from other commenters. But you know what Dave? Your childish, naive, whiny attitude is enough to ban you. I do not tolerate fools very well. That and the fact that you bore me. So you are henceforth banned, Mr. Whiny Pants. In fact, I don't even want you to read this blog any more. Go away, Dave.