
Crazy Gun Owners

"...when someone is diagnosed as an imminent danger to himself and others but not put in the hospital it's not the gun law that's the problem..." Full Article at Crazy Politico's Rantings...

Related, kinda...

Of the reported aggravated assaults in 2002, 79.8 percent of arrests were males. Blacks accounted for 63.4 of arrests, whites and Hispanics accounted for 34.2 percent, and all other races accounted for 2.4 percent. The most commonly used weapons were blunt instruments (such as a baseball bat or hammer), fists, and feet. Firearms and knives were used in about 12 percent of aggravated assaults. Full article...

Casebook: Jack the Ripper
They were all killed with a blunt instrument; their skulls in most cases were battered in. They were also very much bruised and slashed about the body.

NHMP 2003-2004 summary (in: Homicide in Australia : 2003-2004) ...
A similar proportion of both males and females were killed with a blunt instrument (13% respectively). In 2002-03, a total of 53 victims were killed with a ...


  1. Aggravated assaults may be more often committed using blunt weapons, but handguns are still used most often in homicides.... And the chart you show only accounts for intimate homicides, not all homicides.

    Here's full stats on homicide trends in the US.

  2. Thanks for the link. Now the gun control folks have a new (but bad) arguement. The funny thing is if the current federal background check law was followed by Va. Cho couldn't have bought his guns.


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