Broken Heart

Snap out of it. You did not lose anything for anybody, you big goofball. Look, I saw you standing in the cold yesterday working your ass off. I was moved to see you sincerely trying to help the guy win. Did you "go negative?" Yes. I went negative, too, but based always on truth. We all did. But there was a world of difference in the way the pro-Gordon bloggers (and some voters) went negative and the vile manner in which the sell-out, self-loathing, hypocritical Elites for Moore went negative: We did not falsely accuse anybody of being racist. We did not falsely accuse anybody of being a Nazi. We did not falsely tell people that our opponent wants to "get rid of minorities." We did not sell out. We die not lie. We did not encourage voter fraud in the streets. We did not bring in outside canvassers, because we were enough in number. We came to support a man who has lived in the ward for over 30 years, who is more organically connected than Joe Moore will ever be. We came to support a man who chose to live here because he loves Rogers Park, not as an opportunistic carpet bagger looking for a stepping stone to higher office. We came to support a man who has never been corrupt. We supported a man who ran a clean campaign. We opposed the Big Machine. We were able see through the fog of deceit, of political correctness and of intimidation. We came to support a man because we - each of us - believe in him and not because we felt we had to because of blind party loyalty. We supported a man who did not promise us any material benefits, as opposed to our opponents, many of whom voted for Moore because he promised them committee positions, paid positions after the election, patronage jobs for their relatives, or hand outs. We supported the fight to question and challenge Authority. We supported the battle against fermenting entrenchment. We supported a man who did not flout election laws, let alone flout them flagrantly. We came. We saw. We believed. For that, we win no matter what the outcome. Our opponents cannot say the same. God bless Don Gordon. God bless you. May God bless Rogers Park and the United States of America.


  1. I just got off the phone with Don Gordon's campaign HQ - a challenge of the election results is in the works, as hundreds of voters prepare to offer testimony regarding the incumbent's electioneering irregularities and outright thuggery at polling places around the 49th ward. Don't give up. Don't give up. DON'T GIVE UP.

  2. Yes, thank you Tom for standing up.


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