Border Patrol and "House of Death"

From Narco-News, a compelling bit of reporting about the two U.S. Border Patrol officers who are in serious legal trouble for famously shooting a fleeing drug smuggler in his buttocks. There is much more to the story, and Narco-News gives us a look at the weird realm of overlapping international relations, law, politics and human nature. Border Patrol agents' case, House of Death go to the heart of Justice scandal It seems the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Texas, overseen by Johnny Sutton from his throne in San Antonio, has a PR problem when it comes to dealing with drug smugglers. In the high-profile case of the two Border Patrol agents in Texas who are now serving long prison terms for shooting a drug smuggler in the rear end, conservative media outlets are proclaiming that Sutton’s office showed special favor to the smuggler in order to ruin the lives of the agents. Likewise, in the House of Death mass murder case, an informant was shown special consideration by Sutton’s office after a run-in with Border Patrol agents in New Mexico, recent documents uncovered by Narco News show. THE WHOLE ENCHILADA...

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