Alderman Joe Moore's Abuse of City Resources

Gad, more email from another anonymous blogophile. This one shovels some more material onto the Joe Moore compost pile. "Am I missing something? Isn't it illegal for Joe to use city resources to promote his re-election? His official re-election campaign address is the ward office. When the mail comes in with all those checks for Joe, a city paid staffer sorts it out? Opens it up and put's the checks in a neat not so little pile? Someone walks in and says "Is this Joe Moore's re-election office, and they say "just a minute sir ... Joe will see you in a moment ... and would you have that check ready please ...." and they sit their asses in city owned chairs. What else might city payroll staffers do in regards his re-election? What am I missin'?" You ain't missin' nothin' friend.

1 comment:

  1. Still no clue on the Ald. Moore doorbell at 7522 Eastlake Terrace eh? Maybe it's storage space for his blue and white campaign signs dating back to 1991?


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