Who Are These Guys?

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On Saturday, March 10 there was a gathering at Joe Moore's aldermanic campaign office at W. Greenview and N. Ravenswood. You know, next to the vacant commercial space. Regular folks gathered to support Joe Moore. They came in at 10:00 a.m. Nobody got a special, personal reception from Joe.

Except these guys, shown above. And you can believe that they did not go out knocking on doors or slipping fliers under doors.

Nobody I know recognizes them. But they clearly got the personally schmoozy greeting from Joe Moore, who all but licked their boots as they came through the door that he graciously held open for them. Joe was eagerly waiting for these suits to arrive. Who are they? Top campaign guns from the DNC? From Washington? Former Schakowsky workers?


  1. Hmmm. Trouble in River City? I doubt Joe Moore would be suing his best double agent, however. Think about it: How many votes did Don Gordon LOSE because morsehellhole is "endorsing" him?

  2. There are a lot of blogs around here, and if someone wanted to get into court, there's a lot of material to use in a complaint. On the other hand, discussion of a politician during an election is the most broadly protected category of speech, even if it's a knowing and blatant lie. Add to that the defense of truth in at least some of the accusations made. And Joe isn't going to be much of a source on what's available on those accusations, either, so it makes the defense difficult.

    Then there's the required element of defamation: proving that Joe currently has a "good reputation." When over half the neighborhood voted against him, including dozens of rabid Moore-haters, that might be hard to prove. I guarantee you that Moore trying to prove that he has a good reputation would be an extremely sticky process. So many things get opened up. It's all available - drinking habits, old girlfriends, income sources. Picture conducting that deposition.

    And that's the ultimate rub in all of this - the legal process that Moore would have to go through to win, even if possible, would be such a filthy road to trek that it's unlikely it would be worth the cost to "win." Joe may not be Satan Incarnate, but he's no angel either. We all have things we'd rather not have made public.

    Assuming the object of Joe's attentions even had anything to take. I'm not sure Joe would want to own the Gernhardt gay porn legacy. How's that for a moral quandary for a sitting progressive politician with national aspirations? That's assuming it's Craig he wants to go after...

    It's an interesting theory, but I think it's a better guess that this is all just a disinformation campaign. If Joe were going to take this route, he wouldn't meet with the lawyers in his campaign office while other people were around. Hell, the lawyers can read the blog while they're in their own office - the site visit is completely unnecessary. These guys are more likely copier salesmen.


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