
When Is An Activist Lying?

Sometimes, it's when their lips don't move. An article from today from ConsumerFreedom reports this: Sometimes the best way to find out activists' true intentions is to notice what they don't say. Earlier this month, California's Department of Health Services (DHS) announced that the spinach responsible for last September's E.coli outbreak was grown on an organic farm. This confirms a widely-held suspicion that the activist-inspired storyline blaming conventional (read: "corporate") farming techniques for the villainous veggies is bogus. The rest of this story...


  1. I read that article and followed all the links, and the story you posit, isn't there.

    First, if you read Fast Fook Nation, you'll understand that one of the major complaints is that food is brought together from many sources into a single large processing plant. This is a problem because contamination from a single small source can therefore be spread across a much larger volume of food. Fast Food Nation explores that possibility in great detail in the specific example of meat, but obviously, if contaminated spinach from one small farm were brought to a large facility that had bad practices, kaboom. E coli gets spread into the wash water, sprayed onto tons of food, and trucked across the entire country. Whether it came from an "organic" farm wouldn't matter - that's not a difference between "organic" and "conventional." (As an aside, I'll note that no one says which definition of "organic" is being used here.)

    But I'm also mystified by the sources you use. Who is this They put a lot of effort into revealing the background of other groups, but when I click on their "About Us" button, there's an amazing dearth of information. Don't you think it's possible they have an axe to grind that would cause them to screw up the story?

    I also didn't see a reference, either from you or from ActivistCash, to anything in which anyone made these claims. It looks to me like you/AC are just sticking something on people you don't like. What did Consumer Reports actually say? Without knowing that, you can't know if they said anything wrong. Same for CSPI and CFS.

    Who's the lying activist, exactly?

  2. I cannot find a copy of "Fast Fook Nation" anywhere. Thanks for writing, Craig.


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