Todd Stroger, Democrat

He was endorsed by Alderman Joe Moore and Presidential Candidate Barack Obama. So I guess he's a good Democrat, right?
From today's Sun-Times:
As Cook County laid off dozens of janitors on Friday, County Board President Todd Stroger was pushing a no-bid cleaning contract to a firm that has made annual donations to his 8th Ward political organization.

Stroger wants the $375,000 contract with Berwyn-based We Clean Maintenance & Supply approved on an emergency basis to begin Monday, to replace the janitors let go in budget cuts. Full Story at Chicago Sun-Times...

1 comment:

  1. This is going to keep on going on and on. Tony Peracia has been the most outspoken at all the meetings, so much so that Commissioner Bulter is watching his time. They still have not figured out what to do with the Old Cook County Hospital, since late 2002 when the Stroger Hospital was completed. They are still running two types of voting machines in elections, the scanning and the touch screen. Here are two areas that need to be looked at and not sat on.
    Also Todd Stroger wants to recoup funds by having the Cook County Sheriff's check for Cook County vehicle stickers, yes the understaffed overworked, Cook County Sheriffs department that made a huge pot bust over the weekend, the same department that took away a woman that gave birth to her 9th child on the day she killed her 5 year child. Yes, the Cook County Sheriff's according to Todd are going to recoup a lot of money on County Vehicle Stickers.


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