
Special License Plates for Perverts Doesn't Go Far Enough

Bi-partisanship can be productive, as proven by a Republican and a Democrat in the Ohio state legislature in Columbus. The two lawmakers have proposed that convicted sex offenders have to put fluorescent-green license plates on their cars for easy identification. According to Reuters, state Democratic Rep. Michael DeBose said, "The fluorescent-green license plate will make the most egregious sex offenders easily identifiable." Full Story... I like the idea, but it has a couple of flaws. First, the "most egregious" (worst) sex offenders should not even be out of prison, let alone driving cars. Second, this business of not allowing a sex offender within 1,000 feet of a school is ridiculous. Rather, they should be breaking rocks on a small Alaskan island. Third, the "most egregious" category would include rapers of children, or "child molesters." I propose that rapers of children be shot in the head at close range and then forced to have flourescent green tomb stones.

1 comment:

  1. Tom,

    In New York, Gov. Spitzer just signed a law making predatory sex offenders subject to confinement in psychiatric facilities after completing their prison terms. It makes sense to me that someone with a known addiction to hurting defenseless people should be classified as mentally ill and in need of immediate and mandatory psychiatric care.


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