And verrrrry good news for challenger Don Gordon. No wonder Joe Moore's people seem verrrrry worried lately. They seem kind of, er, moody. Seems the 49th Ward's incumbent alderputz is not doing well in the polling, and word is that Moore's getting bad advice from his own staff is turning to some previously untapped sources for advice. Run, run, run, Joe. We know where you are. We know where you have not been. Too late for new tricks. READ THE POLL RESULTS: "Organized labor paid for polls in some aldermanic races two weeks ago. The polls were conducted by Mark Penn. Remember, however, that turnout is probably going to be extremely low in next month’s runoff election, so the biggest question is who will actually vote. Polls will have a tough time guaging that right now. Here are some quick, topline results…" READ 'EM ALL HERE

1 comment:

  1. Tom

    Bad poll results - JoMo's flood of south side imports into vacant JJ apartments and all the "facilitated" prison release residents of the noh halfway houses won't have had phones to be polled. And let's not forget the Nursing Home folks that don't have private phones - high density and JoMo's counting on short attention spans.... Keep reporting on the dirty tricks 'cause he's not done yet.


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