
Lunatics for Joe Moore, Part One, footnote

Dear Ms. Rainbolt-Kren , I am responding to your comment here because you left it on an unrelated posting of mine. Your comment had nothing to do with the Olympics. Rather, it was in response to my posting entitled "Lunatics for Joe Moore, Part One." Nevertheless, I appreciate the fact that you wrote; your comments appear below: Sheree Rainbolt-Kren has left a new comment on your post "Olympics In Chicago? Not So Fast...": Hello Friend, Thanks for leaving a comment on my WHY ORGANIC blog. I did use paragraphs, but the blog didn't use them. ??? go figure. And it refuses to fix. I am still working on it. I hope you will take a little bit of time to look at what is truly happening to animals. I know you are not insensitive. It's truly horrific. I have some links on my blog and you can also see many at PETA. It's so mindblowing. You have no idea. Please don't make jokes. There is a price to be paid for making light of these very serious matters. You don't want to pay it, trust me. I wish you light. Sheree Posted by Sheree Rainbolt-Kren to Rogers Park Bench at 3/07/2007 11:28 AM When you wrote, "There is a price to be paid for making light of these very serious matters. You don't want to pay it, trust me," it sounded like a threat. Are you threatening me? Some of you PETA kids get violent now and then. I quite agree with you that cruelty to animals is a horrible thing. But there re already thousands of folks such as yourself, organizations such as PETA, and state and federal legislators already working on solutions to the problem. You must agree that it is a waste of an alderman's time to duplicate the work that is already being carried on. Aldermen (members of a city council) are not elected (hired) to do the work of state legislators, federal regulators, or members of Congress. They are hired/elected to fix potholes, help fight crime, assist local businesses, and help their constituents locally. I sympathize with your cause. But in Chicago, some of us have a problem with Alderman Joe Moore: He was hired to look after a 2-square mile ward, not take on national or international issues. Additionally, he has been proven time and again to be a liar and has been caught red-handed flouting election laws and rules. If Joe Moore wants to tell us that our school lunches are "poison," as you do on your blog, that's a local issue he could take up. But foie gras has no relevance to this aldermanic ward. There are no geese being raised here, no foie gras being made here, and no foie gras being sold here. Well, I'm off to grab a burger.

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