Kevin Cosgrove: Hello? HELLO?!?

Hello? Kevin? Hellooooo? HELLOOO? KEVIN? Hey, Kevin, remember calling me around 3:00 p.m. today? Remember telling me that you would forward a copy of the email blast that announced the Ginderske appointment? Why haven't you sent it yet? Hello? Hello?


  1. You can have mine, I haven't opened it yet.

    Kevin is probably calling that bad landlord on Jonquil. Or maybe he's conferring with corporation counsel and the judges on bad landlords. God knows there are enough of them.

  2. who do you have to f**k in that office to get results?

  3. Apparently, even that doesn't work. Cosgrove has still not forwarded the email, as he promised he would 19 hours ago. Duh, I even spelled my email address slowly for him. And it's posted at the top of this blog. Is Kevin a liar, or just kinda dumb? I don't know, I'm just asking.


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