Joe Moore as "Laissez Faire" Liberal

Francis Scudellari (”FS”) wrote a thoughtful comment regarding “Fascism Lite" (below). Is Francis capitalist-baiting? Am I red-baiting? No, we're just having a conversation. Conversation is good, nyet? RPB's Tom Mannis ("TM") thoughtfully responds below. FS: You're leaving out two key aspects of what Fascism was/is -- hyper nationalism and the coporatization [sic] of the State. The Republicans and Democrats in modern day USA could be accused quite successfully of advocating the latter, as our government has been completely merged with corporate boardrooms. TM: No serious argument here, but you either miss or avoid the bigger point that fascism and communism (the extreme edges of the political spectrum) are indistinguishable in terms of practice and effect.

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