Help Wanted: Commercial District Planner

Found this on Craig's List. Reply to: Date: 2007-02-22, 6:23PM CST Introduction DevCorp North is a not-for-profit business, community and economic development corporation that serves five distinct commercial districts in Rogers Park--the most racially, ethnically, and economically diverse urban community in Chicago. Its mission is to improve the business climate and overall quality of life for business owners, shoppers and residents. DevCorp North is a delegate agency of the City of Chicago Department of Planning and Development. The Howard Street Special Service Area (SSA) is a taxing district established to provide services to the commercial strip that the city does not normally provide. Such programs include daily street cleaning, joint merchant promotions, beautification and greening, holiday banners, and much more. Although DevCorp North is the administrator of these programs, a Commission of local stakeholders appointed by the Mayor acts as the advisory board over the SSA and the use of its funds. Responsibilities of the SSA Manager/Commercial District Planner The individual will report to the Executive Director and the SSA Commission and is responsible for implementing and managing the various programs of the SSA as well as acting as staff to the Commission. READ THE FULL WANT AD...

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