Go Ahead and Laugh

Laugh if you will at the possibility of UFOs but you will be laughing at the governments and militaries and police forces of many nations and cities around the world. Ye of little faith; you have no trouble believing that our puny human activities can disrupt global climate cycles millennia long, forces of Nature that we can only hope to one day understand. Yet you refuse to accept the possibility of intelligent creatures visiting this planet? Read this. Then laugh. Former Arizona Governor Fife Symington III comes clean about Close Encounter with UFO during Phoenix Lights This stunning revelation by the former highest elected official in Arizona marks a historic turning point for UFO enthusiasts who have been waiting for such a disclosure for decades. Phoenix Lights eyewitness Mike Fortson said, “This is huge, no other publicly elected official besides former Phoenix city councilwoman Francis Barwood has ever come out to report a UFO sighting publicly before.” FULL STORY... Read this. Then laugh some more. Paris, France (AHN) - The UFO - studying agency in France has reportedly opened its files of 1,600 flying object sightings on a Web Site, thus making France the first country in the world to open official UFO achieves to the public. FULL STORY...

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