Global Warming: It's the Sun, Stupid

Yes, the Sun, that big hot thing up in the sky. Some you are open to new ideas. Others will be afraid, very afraid of this because it challenges the dogma that they cling to so tightly. Sorry, but that's just an inconvenient truth. What ever happened to people who went by the credo "Question Authority?" I heard these men speaking on the radio last night and found them to be compelling. They are comparative mythologist David Talbott and Australian physicist Wallace Thornhill. They were talking about the universe's electrical nature and possible causes of past cataclysms. They are controversial men, whose beliefs make many "mainstream" scientists uneasy. But remember: Galileo made the mainstream, consensus-sucking scientists of his day rather uneasy, too. An excerpt from David Talbott's web site: "Global warming has been deemed a fact. However, the inconvenient truth is that humans are not causing it. Al Gore has been given poor advice. Like Darwin's theory of evolution and Big Bang cosmology, global warming by greenhouse gas emissions has undergone that curious social process in which a scientific theory is promoted to a secular myth. When in fact, science is ignorant about the source of the heat — the Sun." More, much more... Thornhill and Talbott have written a book called "Thunderbolts of the Gods," which is sure to cause a stir in scientific circles. A couple of brief excerpts: "Suddenly, the ‘big picture’ has changed. For decades we believed that gravity alone rules the macrocosm. Then an avalanche of space age discoveries revealed one of the great surprises of the twentieth century--a universe driven by electric currents and punctuated by cosmic violence". "From the smallest particle to the largest galactic formations, a web of circuitry connects and unifies all of nature, organizing galaxies, energizing stars, giving birth to planets and, on our world, controlling weather and animating biological organisms. There are no isolated islands in space". More information...

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