Global Warming Can Be Solved by UFOs, says "Expert"!

In case you're on the fence about the "conclusive" science of global warming, here's some more evidence that the "conclusive" evidence presented by "experts" like the bloated Al Gore in his five overheated mansions is bullcrap. Gore's mansion - excuse me, "residence" - in Tennessee chews up $30,000 a year in hydrocarbons and gas. Folks, that's 20 times the U.S. average, and it does not include all the trips he takes in private jets. Oh, and limos to and from award shows. So now these rational, annointed, enlightened beings are preaching to us that we should lower our thermostats and put on a sweater. Shades of James Earl Carter, egads. And now "expert" and Canadian Paul Hellyer says ET will save us all: A former Canadian defense minister is demanding governments worldwide disclose and use secret alien technologies obtained in alleged UFO crashes to stem climate change... MORE And this: Paul Hellyer has a unique solution to global warming and the gas shortage -- ask aliens what makes their saucers fly... MORE Throw another log on the fire, won't you?

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