
Chief Illiniwek, Swedish Flags and Spanish Street Names

Univ. of IL mascot Chief Illiniwek
The recent firing of University of Illinois mascot Chief Illiniwek has me upset. Although many Native Americans had no problem with the dancing Chief, white administrators did.

They would rather just pretend that Native Americans do not exist. The whole glorious tradition, which paid a beautiful and respectful homage to a people who suffered so much, has been crushed.

So what's next? In the interest of fairness, I make the following proposal and encourage all fair minded people to join me in it: 

BAN SPANISH NAMES OF STREETS AND CITIES in the United States. It is, by Liberal Logic, cruelly insensitive. After all, haven't Spanish speakers suffered enough since Chris Colombus paid a visit?

Flag of Sweden
Swedish flag has a cross!
Flag of Greece
Spanish names for U.S. cities and streets only mocks and disrespects Latinos and Hispanics. Ditto with German names. Hasn't the world suffered enough under the German boot heel, and do we need to be constantly reminded of it?

BAN SWEDISH FLAGS? Yes, and any other flag that has a cross, or other religious symbol in its design. This would include the Spanish flag, which has a teeny little cross in its design.

Flag of Israel
Flag of Turkey
After all, isn't the cross really a symbol of Crusader oppression? For that matter, ban the display of any flag that has any religious symbol in it, such as Israel's flag with its Star of David. Do we want symbols of Zionist oppression flying over our streets?

BAN RELIGIOUS NAMES SUCH AS "CHRIS," "CHRISTIAN," "DAVID," "JESUS," or "MOHAMMED." After all, millions of people have died in religious wars. Naming your child after a religious figure only perpertuates this madness. People who already have such names will have to change them or pay a heavy fine. Perhaps any houses of worship that look like houses of worship will be deemed offensive, too.

ARREST GOV. ROD BLAGOJEVICH and any other politician who invokes God or other religious symbols or mythology into his/her/its public speeches. Remember, the Constitution calls for "separation of church and state governors." The Constitution also calls for the "separation of wheat and chaff" and "separation of egg whites and yolk." Not many people know this. 

DISPLAY MORE SENSITIVITY TO PEOPLE OF OTHER CULTURES. Therefore, people who come to this country from elsewhere should be judged only by the standards of their places of origin. For example, folks from Saudi Arabia would have Saudi law applied to them if they are caught, say, stealing. Or being homosexual. Or sex out of wedlock. You get the idea.

People from Mexico, for example, would have the laws of Mexico applied to them, which would mean they could not own property or work for the government in many cases. It would also mean that they could be deported without due process. And of course, bloggers who moved to the U.S. from France would be imprisoned if they write about violence. Many foreigners would be punished for even the slightest criticism of the local and/or federal government.

I could go on but I think the point is made. We have the PC crowd (politically crazed) to thank for heightening our awareness. It's now up to us to take action. 

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