Chicago Sanctions Baby Animal Slaughter

Chicago is officially killing children - the defenseless children of geese. Where is Chicago's Alderman Joe Moore, international defender of geese? If Alderman Moore wants to prove that he is not a hypocrite, he will fight this move with tooth and nail. But he won't, because we already know he's a hypocrite. Will Moore propose that counseling be provided to the distressed parents of the slaughtered babies? (AP) CHICAGO - Chicago Park District officials are enlisting a flock of volunteers to locate goose eggs laid in nests throughout the city's parks ....When the eggs are found, employees .... will destroy the eggs by shaking them or coating them with a layer of corn oil. Organizers hope to find up to 300 nests, each full of eggs that are about four times the size of a large chicken egg. FULL STORY, CBS2...

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