Angry 49th Ward Resident on Ginderske

This came to me as an email, not a comment, so I will attribute the following to "Anonymous." Anonymous is a Gordon supporter, but having spoken to many people of the ex-Adams, ex-Ginderske, and current-Gordon camps, I know that Anonymous speaks for a lot of residents of Chicago's 49th Ward. Exactly how many is, of course, unknowable. But Anonymous is upset by the still-not-officially-released announcement from Joe Moore's office that former aldermanic candidate Jim Ginderske has joined forces with the Moore camp. (See related story) Anonymous wrote: 49th Ward Zoning and Land Use Advisory Committee - Jim's price even is lower than I thought - Does he actually think this fako window dressing bunch of Jo-Buddies ever have any real say what so ever in what deals do or do not get done? It is a-d-v-i-s-o-r-y!! Joe loads the committee so that there are always a majority on any deal he will get payola from, and he can hide behind the committee when he wants to nix a deal so he can shake the developer down some more while standing up and claiming he is just doing the people's will .... utter hypocrisy .... If Ginderski doesn't get it, he's not very bright either - and if he does .... well that speaks for itself ..... either way Joe buys him for nothing .... a pro politician our Joe Moore if there ever was ..... Not only does Jim betray the neighborhood and the people who supported him, he betrays his own professed values .... although this calls his credibility (whatever there was of it) into question I'd say ..... What else has he sold his support for? Hope he got something worth more than Joe's toilet paper .....

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