Litvenko: Agent for Jihadists?

It seems that the Russian who died of radiological poisoning in London on 11/23/06 may not have been an agent for radical Islamic jihadists. He may not have even been murdered. Rather, evidence now indicates that Alexander Litvinenko was trying to smuggle - or did smuggle - a "suitcase nuke." The super toxic polonium that he ingested may have been on his fingers, left over from his handling of the small nuclear device. Only about seven grams of polonium 210 are produced each year in the entire world, and its only use is as part of the triggering device for nukes - specifically, for suitcase nukes. There were charges that Russian President Putin had Litvinenko assassinated, but as expert Paul Williams puts it, to assassinate Litvinenko with polonium 210 would have been the "most expensive assassination" ever. In other words, Williams and other feel that it was not a murder but accidental. Additionally, sources including Hans Blix of the United Nations have confirmed that Osama bin Laden purchased several suitcase nukes from the Chechen rebels in 1996. According to al Qaeda operatives who have been captured and questioned, a number of suitcase nukes have been smuggled into the United States "in preparation for al Qaeda’s next attack on American soil." A suitcase nuclear device could weigh less than 40 pounds and have the explosive equivalent of nearly ten kilotons. That's enough to destroy downtown Chicago and spread deadly radiation and radioactive dust and debris for many miles around. That's where the connection to former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko is so troubling. Just before he died last November, Litvienenko accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of having him assassinated. But several sources are "FULL STORY...

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