Obama: Just Another Good Ol' Boy

Joe Moore and Todd Stroger and Barack Obama are buddies. And they have so much in common: Each other's support.

Both Moore and Obama are beholden to their master, the Howard Dean-controlled Democrat National Committee (DNC). The DNC has become everything it once criticized: An ingrown, self-absorbed, self-centered special interest group that has taken over the Democratic Party like some kind of body snatcher.

Barack Obama has shown himself to be nothing more than just another good ol' boy, part of the network that looks out for its own elite members, and the People are just tools to help them achieve their personal goals of power. So in a creepy way, the blind support that Obama has given to Moore is understandable: They both belong to the same country club, the DNC.

Moore's reelection campaign employs, among others, ex-Schakowsky minion Alex Armour, as well as Schakowsky's convicted felon husband. Incest makes for strange bedfellows.

Barack Obama, the guy who promised us he would serve out his full term as a Senator and not run for president in 2008, is running for president and - if elected - will not serve out his full term as Senator. Strike one.

But Obama's support of Todd Stroger's candidacy for Cook County PResident is hard to understand until you connect the dots back to the DNC. As far as I know, Todd is not a DNC member. If I'm wrong let me know, please. Why would Barack Obama back Stroger? The question is inescapable: Did he support Stroger just because Stroger is nominally a Democrat, or because Stroger is black?

In either case, why would a U.S. Senator, getting ready to run for president, bother with a county board presidential race? Again, the DNC. The DNC told - ordered - Barack to support Stroger. Just as they told him to back Moore, a freekin' alderman for God's sake. You think Hillary or Rudy are going to lend their support to aldermanic candidates in New York?

Barack Obama, who loves you and wants the best for you, endorsed Todd Stroger in his bid for Cook County President. Strike Two.

So Barack Obama, who claims to be different, a breath of fresh air, a guy who takes us in a new direction, has endorsed Chicago alderman Joe Moore (49th Ward). It seems more like a case of uncontrollable flatulence than a breath of fresh air. Strike Three.

Chicago Alderman Joe Moore, 49th Ward, is so proud of his recent endorsement from U.S. Senator cum presidential candidate Barack Obama. So proud. BFD. Obama would have endorsed a toaster oven had the DNC told him to.

Disappointing but so predictable. Barack Obama has shown beyond doubt that he is no different than any other hack. He takes orders from the Party. He supports fools just because they have a heartbeat and call themselves Democrats. Obama is a tool. Don't be fooled.


  1. What do they have in common? They all got to listen to Todd Stroger being booed at the UIC Pavilion. Boy, are they sorry they invited him! Here's hoping Stroger's name leads to boos in as many political rallies as possible, until he's not invited anywhere. Maybe then he'll put together a county budget that involves firing the patronage army.

    I just giggle and feel all warm inside when I hear about political betrayal coming back to rest at people's feet like this.

  2. Right you are Mr Mannis - either Barack Obama will endorse anything with a pulse (or I suppose without one) if the DNC sends him his marching papers - in which case his word and good name mean little to nothing to him, or he actually thinks Joe Moore has been good for Rogers Park - in which he is blind, in denial, of just .... a Politician ....;) I'm not sure which possibility drops his stock deeper into the sewer - I predict that people are looking at a self-created mirror when they look at Obama and see whatever flavor of frustration they feel over the current state of the nation, and say to themselves - "He will save us!!!" I'll bet before it's all over "He" will turn out to be just as much of a plotting politician as the rest of them ... and his word will be worth just about as much .......

    I look at that smiling photo of Joe and Barrak and all I can think is "Birds of a feather ...."

    A nightmare - we wake up one day and find Obama president of the US of A and Joe Moore say ... head of HUD ......... ;) Now that would really be a step in the right direction ..........


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