Mayor Daley's son endangered by Murtha, Pelosi

Dear Mayor Daley: God bless your son for being so willing to fight for this nation. I understand that he might be sent to Iraq. I hope he will not be sent there, but your son is a bright young man with a good education who joined the military well after the Iraq war began. He knew what he was getting into, just as every other member of the all-volunteer U. S. military knew. I am grateful for people like your son, and for parents like you, Mr. Daley, who instill such values in their children. However, I wonder how you feel about your fellow Democrats, the ones who are so eager to sell out your son’s safety and the safety of all American troops in Iraq. You know who I am referring to: John Murtha, Nancy Pelosi, and the rest of the treasonous gang who – purely for self-aggrandizement and personal political gain – seek to undercut our military (your son) by deliberately and methodically shifting funds away from equipment meant for the troops. Weren’t these folks, just a year ago, accusing the Bush Administration of not providing our troops with needed equipment? Was that just to make political points? Sure seems so, since now they are working to make sure the needed equipment does not get to them, and that, in fact, what they now have will be depleted. You recently told the Sun-Times that "Anyone who has a son or daughter, husband or wife, aunt or uncle or friend in the service of this country locally or serving in the military -- all of us every day worry about the safety of anybody in uniform." That is probably true, Mr. Daley. But how worried is John Murtha? Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) and his fellow traitors (yes, traitors), have recently trumpeted their plan to defund U. S. troops. Murtha, writes Sher Zieve, “denigrated US troops in 2006 when he said they were murdering Iraqis ‘in cold blood’ [and] continues to call for an immediate cut and run policy from Iraq. New Speaker of the House Pelosi (D-CA) said she [agrees] with an abrupt withdrawal. But, the Democrats' non-binding and feckless proposal is just the beginning. “Murtha has said that he and the House Democrat majority will now work to pull all the financial plugs from the military and place our troops in Iraq in extreme harm’s way. While advising that the Democrats will vote to defund our troops, Murtha said jubilantly: “They [our troops] won't be able to continue. They won't be able to do the deployment. They won't have the equipment, they don't have the training and they won't be able to do the work!” That sounds like treason to me, sir. You may disagree, but frankly, you would be wrong. Dead wrong. The brief definition of treason is “the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one's country or of assisting its enemies in war.” (Source: NMW) Well sir, nobody denies that we are involved in war, or that we have enemies. By deliberately working, as Murtha put it, so that our troops “won’t be able to continue,” Murtha and Company have openly committed treason. Period. "We're trying to force redeployment not by taking money away, by redirecting money," Murtha said, adding he wants U.S. funds to be slanted more toward diplomacy and Iraq reconstruction. Still in doubt? Let’s look at the U. S. Constitution, the document so reviled by Murtha and his ilk. From the Constitution, Article III, Section 3: Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted. Mr. Mayor, Murtha and his Gang are engaged in giving our enemies comfort and aid. Millions have witnessed this, via television, internet, radio. I am certain that there would be at least “two witnesses” who would testify to this. On the other hand, Congress itself is actually a court, and Murtha has openly confessed his actions there. So, many of the top leaders of the Democrat Party – your party, Mr. Mayor – have openly engaged in treasonous activities for the publicly stated purpose of undermining our own troops. They are openly working to undermine your son, and the sons and daughters of tens of thousands of other parents. You son volunteered for service. If he is sent to Iraq, Mr. Mayor, how will you feel knowing that the John Murtha and Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama and many others in your party do not want your son to have the equipment he needs? John Boehner is an Ohio Republican and the House Minority Leader. He is outraged by Murtha's proposals. "While American troops are fighting radical Islamic terrorists thousands of miles away, it is unthinkable that the United States Congress would move to discredit their mission, cut off their reinforcements and deny them the resources they need to succeed and return home safely," Boehner said. I wish your son well, Mayor Daley. Unfortunately, John Murtha and his fellow traitors do not give a damn.


  1. Murtha and Polsie are the only way we can turn around a run-away republican govt who's pulled our pants down in can blab about this alderman or that one but your red state undies are showing, I was looking at your candidate but it's true what going around the ward, republicans are trying to get a foot hole and I say no f*&king way.

  2. Nice language, Rox. I am NOT a Republican. And you were never looking a Jim Ginderske, you've been behind Gordon for months.

  3. Actually Roxy was working for Moore's campaign but after Dan Sullivan's endorsement was given pause. It is hilarious to have all these TOTAL Democrats being labeled as Republican.

    Now for Adams it seems a bit justified- donation to Topinka and Tom Bradley working for his campaign and all, but for ther others, it's quite silly.


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