Letters, I get letters...

I love email. It gives me the opportunity to recieve pearls of wisdom, like this one from somebody who hasn't got the guts to use his/her real name. "Bobby Brown," whose profile gives zero information, put hooves to keyboard and hammered out the following. (My whithering response will follow.)

Bobby Brown has left a new comment on your post "Taste of Peru is AWESOME":

"Newbie Jim GINderske Doesn’t know his way around the 49th yet.

"After tonights (02-19-07) Aldemanic debate on Ch-11 WTTW, a few of the aldemanic candidates are hosting pep rallies at local eateries or pub’s. Mr. GINderski’s selection of establishments seems a-little odd for someone wanting to get elected 49th Ward Alderman.

"Mr. GINderski has selected an eatery on Clark that is in the 40th WARD. Why would Jim GINderski pull business out of the 49th for such an event ? Maybe this should not be suppressing as Mr. GINderski is new to the neighborhood. Perhaps the 5-6 years He’s lived in the 49th, let alone Chicago, have not been long enough for him to figure out where the boundaries of the 49th Ward are.

"Hey Jim, next time your on the web, try spending a-little quality time researching your constituency."

"Newbie Jim GINderske Doesn’t know his way around the 49th yet.

"After tonights (02-19-07) Aldemanic debate on Ch-11 WTTW, a few of the aldemanic candidates are hosting pep rallies at local eateries or pub’s. Mr. GINderski’s selection of establishments seems a-little odd for someone wanting to get elected 49th Ward Alderman.

"Mr. GINderski has selected an eatery on Clark that is in the 40th WARD. Why would Jim GINderski pull business out of the 49th for such an event ? Maybe this should not be suppressing as Mr. GINderski is new to the neighborhood. Perhaps the 5-6 years He’s lived in the 49th, let alone Chicago, have not been long enough for him to figure out where the boundaries of the 49th Ward are.

"Hey Jim, next time your on the web, try spending a-little quality time researching your constituency."

Thanks again for your comment, “Bobby.” Now please, with all due respect and as much humor as I can muster, allow me rip you a new one.

First, get a new keyboard. I’m not sure if spelling “Ginderske” as “GINderski” is a sign of mental illness or a pathetic attempt at wit, but in either case, it does not further whatever point you are trying to make. The spelling reminds of the pathetic Craig “Little Sonny” Gernhardt, who misspells “Ginderske” intentionally. (Are you Craig?)

You criticized Jim Ginderske for choosing an eatery “out of the 49th” (did you mean “outside”?) as the venue where folks will get together to watch Carol Marin suck up to Joe Moore on Channel 11 tonight. You later write that Jim has not yet figured out “where the boundaries of the 49th Ward are.” Let me assure that he has, “Bobby,” and if you knew anything about the boundaries, you would know that Taste of Peru is rather convenient to most folks in the ward since it is literally just a few yards south of the border. That is much closer to the ward physically and in spirit than the hoity-toity restaurant that Mr. Gordon held a fundraiser at a couple of months ago (Copper Blue).

You wrote, “Why would Jim GINderski pull business out of the 49th for such an event? Maybe this should not be suppressing as Mr. GINderski is new to the neighborhood.” Your incredible misuse of the word “suppressing” when you obviously meant “surprising” only convinces me that you are indeed the village idiot Gernhardt. Do you, “Bobby,” never shop outside of the 49th Ward? Do you really believe that a few pesos spent at Taste of Peru will not benefit servers and cooks there who live in the 49th Ward?

The real kicker to your idiotic comments is this: “Perhaps the 5-6 years He’s lived in the 49th, let alone Chicago, have not been long enough for him to figure out where the boundaries of the 49th Ward are.” This convinces me that you are a Gordon supporter. Such comments are typical of Gordonites, who resent and fear newcomers to Rogers Park. Like Texans, you have a hard time warming up to folks who haven’t lived here for at least 20 years.

So, “Bobby,” get a new keyboard. But you better buy it in the 49th Ward.


  1. There you go about Texans again. Stereotyping, again. Have you ever actually spent any time in Texas?

    The reason I started reading this blog (and enjoyed it) was because it was a welcome change from the mud-slinging, name-calling, lying and such over at the Broken Heart. However, it seems this blog is no different than Craig's. That is a shame.

  2. Dear chianim8r:
    I have nothing against Texans per se. I stated the truth about Texan culture. Ask any Texan and they'll tell you I am correct.

  3. I am a Texan. I have lived most of my 38 years in Texas. I disagree with you - as do most Texans I know. From my experience, Texans are much more likely to welcome newcomers, than most any other group of people in the country.

  4. all my exes live in texas.......

  5. Nice post, but you still didn't answer the basic question: why didn't Jim hold his fund-raiser in the 49th ward?

  6. Mr. TM;

    Your presumption is only out weighed by my arrogance. (Yes arrogance not ignorance).

    Now… your presumption (and pics), of my commentary that you attribute ASS being that of CG’s, is not at all correct.

    As for guts, where’s your name on your web-log/website ?

    F&^# U-Tube;

  7. Dear rpnayboor:
    The owners of Taste of Peru invited Jim and his group to view the Channel 11 event at their restaurant. Perhaps you could ask Jim about this personally by joining us at Kitty Moon tonight for an evening of good natured comedy. Please come, it'll be fun. For info see: http://rogersparkbench.blogspot.com/2007/02/injecting-laughter-into-aldermanic.html


Thanks for commenting! Keep it classy.