Eidolon Art Studio Endorses Ginderske for 49th Ward Alderman

The following email from Eidolon Art Studio in Rogers Park went out to approximately 300 people. It is a strong endorsement for Democrat Jim Ginderske, candidate for alderman of the 49th Ward of Chicago. This is a very, very significant endorsement. Why? Because this endorsement is organic, if you will; it comes from "ordinary" neighborhood people, not from big special interests outside of the ward, and not from a big real estate developer who has a strong vested interest in supporting someone who will return favors. The good folks at Eidolon do not expect favors in return for this endorsement. Can the same be said of the big money supporters of Don Gordon, Chris Adams, or Joe Moore. (It cannot.) Here, then, is the Eidolon Art Studio endorsement. From: info@eidolonartstudio.com Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 03:43:06 -0800 (PST) Hello everyone! We are sending out this email endorsing Jim Ginderske for alderman in the February 27th election. As you all may know, we don't share our email list and haven't and will not, but we felt the need and importance to share this endorsement with all of you who have shared in our space in the past few years. Jim has been and is one of our biggest supporters and helped to create this space back in 2005. We highly encourage everyone to come to the debates and listen to what Jim has to say and see why we feel this strongly about him as our aldermanic candidate. Tonight, February 7, 2007 at 7 pm United Church of Rogers Park, 1545 W. Morse Ave. Sponsored by O.N.E. & League of Women Voters. In case you want more information about Jim Ginderske and what he stands for please visit his website at www.jimgrp.com or call the campaign office at 773-338-3643. Also if you want to view some of the past debates or just some random campaign perspectives you can view some of them at www.rogersparkbench.blogspot.com. Thanks for considering and please give Jim all the support you can on February 27th! Angela and Tara, owners of Eidolon Art Studio

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