Defending Truth and Free Speech

All the fuss from the fake progressives in Rogers Park ("Stalinists" is more like it) about the master of ceremonies duties of Chris Adams at the Americans For Prosperity (AFP) event at Loyola University on Thursday, Feb. 22 was pure propaganda. It was inaccurate, hateful, scare-tactics propaganda designed to imply that Chris Adams is some kind of crazy fascist. I have no evidence that he is. Nor do the liars in the Moore/Fagus/Armour camp. Please see my piece entitled, “Help Support Freedom of Speech.” Progressives Rogers Park, a secretive group of 109 members who apparently have nothing better to do than generate hateful propaganda. What twisted minds these must be. The description of the PRP reads: “Action alerts, news and discussion about progressive issues in Rogers Park and Chicago's North Lakefront: Affordable Housing, Diversity, Economic Justice, Quality Schools, progressive politics, community development, etc.” The usual buzz phrases and code words. In a ridiculous piece posted on Craig Gernhardt’s yellow blog a few days ago, the event of last night was made to sound like a Third Reich rally in Nuremburg. It was not. Gernhardt quoted Alex Armour, spokesperson for Alderman Joe Moore, as saying, “That Adams would choose to associate himself with such a right wing organization just shows how out of touch he is with our community's values." I was not able to find this quote anywhere else after a very thorough search of the web, chat groups, blogs and other areas of the internet. It is interesting – and telling – that Gernhardt, whom I maintain is a tool of Joe Moore’s campaign, got this exclusive quote from Moore’s campaign consultant Alex Armour. Why would Alex Armour, a top lieutenant in Moore's army, chat with Craig Gernhardt? Gernhardt capped his bizarre posting with this: “It's the trash like Jim Ginderske and Alderman Moore and the people they have around them that are making these accusations - they are spreading false information about good people.” Weird, saying that, after viciously attacking Chris Adams for freely associating with good people who are simply seeking to open a dialog. Here is a one-minute video of Edwin Eisendrath giving his talk to the forum. It was typical of the evening. Please point out the fascist aspects of this, if you can find any.

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