Vote for the Weird Guy at the Hardware Store

This reader comment regarding "A Wolf In Wolf's Clothing" is so fascinating that I just had to share it with you, my other loyal readers. My loyal reader said... Are you arguing with yourself or what? What does Jim [Ginderske] think of all this? Is it really helping him or hurting him? Just curious. With all this time/energy spent on these posts, one would think you could better serve your candidate by being out knocking on doors, passing out literature, etc. Let Jim deal with it. 1/25/2007 My response: Hi Loyal Reader. First, I believe Jim is dealing with it, but since I am not an insider I don't know the details. Second, I have knocked on more doors and handed out more literature than some volunteers have, and certainly far more than anyone who has NOT done volunteer work. Tomorrow I will brave the cold to hand out more literature. At least I have committed to a candidate, to a viable alternatitive. "Anybody But Joe" sounds nice, but it does not offer a solution. Sure, we could support your "gram-mama, or that weird old guy in the hardware store," or "ANYONE." But that's just floundering, it's willy-nilly, it serves Joe Moore because it (unitentionally) promotes division among the challengers. It's not putting your money where your mouth is. It takes no courage or conviction to simply yell out "Anybody but Joe!" Thanks for writing.

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