Reactions from Readers, Silence from Gernhardt, Moore

Selected reaction to my piece from yesterday, "Gernhardt, Eychaner and Aldermn Joe Moore." (Isn't it curious that Mr. Gernhardt has not responded after 24 hours?) Anonymous said... Congratulations Tom. Yesterday you scooped Craig on a fire which took place a mere 3 blocks from Craig's condo. Today not only have you linked Craig to the campaign finance shenanigans that he's always denouncing but you have done so in a style that is reminiscent of Craig's blog. If nothing else, you have a great sense of humor. 1/23/2007 8:00 AM Anonymous said... P.S. -- Take a look at Craig's blog entry for today. Mr. I Care More About The Neighborhood Than Anyone Else states that he's probably not going to vote in the Aldermanic election. To quote one of America's wisest sages "What a maroon." 1/23/2007 8:49 AM

1 comment:

  1. I believe that wasn't Craig saying he wouldn't vote in the election, but rather Hugh, who has been posting on the blog lately. The article (entitled "Why I could vote for Chris Adams" if I remember correctly) has been removed, as far as I can tell.

    Hugh won't be voting in the 49th ward election because he can't.


Thanks for commenting! Keep it classy.