Feds Hog Tie William Beavers, The Hog With The Big Nuts

Big Balls Beavers: Nuts
February 24, 2012 - County Commissioner William Beavers has been indicted on federal charges of tax fraud.  According to a statement from the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Beavers was indicted on Thursday, February 23 "for allegedly obstructing the Internal Revenue Service and failing to report, and pay taxes on, all of his income." The indictment was announced by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald.

The federal charges allege that Beavers, 77, "concealed his under-reporting of income and underpayment of taxes on thousands of dollars that he converted to personal use from his campaign accounts—including more than $68,000 in personal gain on one occasion that was not reported—as well as from his county discretionary spending account."

Altogether, Fitzgerald said that Beavers owes over $226,000 that "he took from his campaign funds and his county expense account to go gambling and to boost his city pension," reports the Sun-Times. "The crime was not taking the money ­— it was failing to report it and pay taxes on it when he converted it to personal use, Fitzgerald said."

Beavers is a man known for outrageous statements, and the indictment was incitement for yet another one from him. Beavers claims that he indicted because "he refused to wear a wire on fellow Commissioner John Daley," says the Sun-Times. “They tried to get to me to become a stool pigeon, and I wouldn’t become a stool pigeon,” Beavers said Thursday, when he learned of the indictment from the Sun-Times. “They wanted me to wear a wire on John Daley. S---.” He said he had no idea why the feds would want him to wear a wire.

Beavers is a man with no class. Before heading back into the county board meeting in 2007, Beavers turned to reporters and loudly declared that that he is “the hog with the big nuts and I’m gonna tell you what it is.”  (What is it about Democrats that makes so frequently speak about their gonads?)

Between 2006 and 2008, says the U.S. Attorney’s Office, "Beavers allegedly paid himself more than $225,000 from three separate campaign accounts and used at least a portion of those funds for personal purposes, including gambling. In 2006, he used more than $68,000 from a campaign account to boost his city pension, and between 2006 and 2008, he used his $1,200 monthly county contingency account for personal purposes without reporting any of these funds as income on his federal tax returns, the indictment alleges."

See the full statement from the U.S. Attorney's Office, Northern District of Illinois.

In his announcement of the charges against Beavers, U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald said, "If politicians choose to use their campaign funds for personal use then they, like all the citizens they serve, share the obligation to honestly report their income and pay the correct amount of taxes,” he said. “The indictment alleges that over a course of three years, Commissioner Beavers repeatedly used his campaign accounts for personal use and then thwarted the Internal Revenue Service by causing his campaign committees to create false records to cover it up.”

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