Hey Stupid, Did You Vote For Todd Stroger?

I just love to say "I told you so," and so here goes. I told you so, but I'll say it again. Todd Stroger is a lying little shit who has no business being Cook County Board President - except that a whole bunch of morons voted for him.
Look, Stupid, the next time you decide to vote for someone, DO NOT do it just because he/she is a Demorcrat (or Republican). DO NOT vote for someone just because they are black (or white, or whatever). DO NOT vote for someone whose comatose father virtually appoints him as heir to the throne just because he could. DO NOT vote for someone just because they are pro-choice (or just for any other single issue).
It's depressing that this piece of work Todd Stroger won an election just because. Well, well, well. How do like Todd now, Stupid? Here are some recent articles about this walking mistake.

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