German Study: Alcohol Impairs Your Sense of Humor

A priest, a rabbi and a mule walk into a bar...

It's a German study about alcohol and humor. Germans are known for drinking a lot, and they are not known for their sense of humor.

BERLIN: Problem drinkers often don't know how to take a joke or understand a punchline, according to German researchers.

In their study of 29 recovering alcoholic patients in a clinic in the western German city of Bochum, participants were tested to measure their mood, intellectual ability, memory, psychomotor skills and capacity to appreciate jokes.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe people lose their sense of humor because they drink too much?

    Or maybe people turn to alcohol as a coping tool for the fact that they had no sense of humor to begin with.

    Hard to know. Maybe we should ask a drunk with no sense of humor. Any idea where we can find someone like that?


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