FBI: "First U.S. Criminal Prosecution for Terrorist Activities in Iraq"

According to the FBI, "this case represents the first U.S. criminal prosecution arising from terrorist activities taking place in Iraq." It will probably not be the last. An Iraqi-born Dutch citizen pleaded not guilty Monday in what the Justice Department called the first U.S. terror charges against insurgents targeting Americans in Iraq. Wesam al-Delaema, 33, has been wanted by the United States since 2003, when he and his fellow "Mujahideen from Fallujah" videotaped themselves planting explosives along an Iraq road used by U.S. troops. The explosives did not result in any deaths. Full Story, MSNBC... F.B.I. news release excerpt: The indictment alleges that Delaema traveled from the Netherlands to Iraq in October 2003 and, together with a group of co-conspirators calling themselves the “Mujahideen from Fallujah,” declared his intentions to kill Americans in Iraq using explosives. The indictment further alleges that Delaema and his co-conspirators hid explosives in a road in the area of Fallujah, Iraq. Delaema, 33, was born in Fallujah, Iraq. He was arrested by Dutch law enforcement authorities on May 2, 2005, and he initially faced similar charges in that country. Following his arrest, Dutch law enforcement and prosecution authorities worked cooperatively with the FBI in its investigation of Delaema’s alleged terrorist activities. Related: Terror Suspect Pleads Not Guilty, Guardian Unlimited, UK

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