The Arsonist and Joe Moore

Talk about hot! One Mr. Buljubasic, convicted arsonist, seems to love Joe Moore. Why? What do they have in common? MUST READ! "One of the more intriguing entries on Mr. Moore's donor list was that of Ivan Buljubasic, listed at 1705 Jonquil Terrace; he sent the alderman a check for $2500.00 on June 19 of this year. That's a pretty good chunk of change for an aldermanic campaign, don't you think? What makes Mr. Buljubasic particularly interesting is that he was convicted in federal court several years ago of arson and associated mail fraud and was sent away to a federal pokey for a 30-plus-year sabbatical at the government's (actually yours and my) expense." GO TO THE FULL STORY AT THENORTHCOAST.BLOGSPOT.COM!


  1. June 19 of what year? 2003 perhaps? That's when this donations was made. So who cares about something that happened 4 years ago. How about telling us something we don't know that's a little more current?

  2. This is "new" for many people who were not aware of it yet. Are you saying that you have forgiven Nixon because his crimes were long ago? But June of 2003 was only 3 1/2 years ago, Nayboor, which is really not that long ago.

  3. What some people call "yesterday's news" other people call "history" or a "track record".

    Joe likes to refer to his "record". Well, this is part of Joe's record, of which many folks in this hood need to be reminded, especially since they have been conditioned by modern electronic entertainment to have the attention span of knats and have a memory stream that goes back maybe a month at the most.

    JoMo counts on us being morons. He counts on us not remembering.

    So, therefore, I will be delivering History Lessons between now and the election, so that people will know just what kind of Track Record Joe thinks ought to get him re elected.

  4. Here's some history, a track record as you will. 'The North Coast' aka 'Paradise' wrote this piece of garbage last September. Even that lowlife Craig took her to task for it:
    Paradise said...
    What do you MEAN, who told ComEd to shut off their power?

    "ComEd has the right to shut off the power when you don't pay your bill.

    Now that the Ramirez family have had a chance to grieve, it's time to call it as I see it, which is that they are extremely sloppy and irresponsible to have 9 kids, when they have an income barely sufficient to cover themselves.

    If there had only been 2 or 3 kids in the family, this most likely wouldn't have happened. They could have gotten 3 kids out, and if they had stopped breeding after the second kid, they would have been able to pay the electric bill.

    At some point, people have to take responsibility for themselves.

    And if we are going to be in the position of providing for every family that gets itself into this fix, then we are going to have to FORCE people to limit their breeding.

    Freedom and responsibility go hand in hand. If people want to breed as incontinently as they want, they are going to have to take responsibility for it."

    This is your typical Gordon supporter--their racism and rage at poor people for simply existing just simmering below the surface.

  5. Here's another example of Laura's Gordon-style 'wisdom':
    The North Coast said...
    "Usually, they hang a sign or run an ad that says SECTION 8 WELCOME, which pretty much is guaranteed to attract the wrong elements. It pretty well signals that the management will take all vouchers, first come first serve, with minimal screening, if any.

    According to my landlords, all landlords with large properties must now take Section 8 vouchers, so you must screen rigorously to keep the bad element out of your building, and be prepared to justify turning someone down for rental. Therefore, when someone advertises that they WELCOME section 8 vouchers, that usually means that they are loose as a goose when it comes to enforcing any standards.

    And once the building is slummed up with undesirables, there is trash and vomit in the halls and corridors, and the reputation of the place is trashed, it can no way attract decent tenants. The sickest joke of all is that buildings like this, believe it or not, charge rents that are usually over what you can pay for a truly nice place, but only if you make it through the nice place's screening process.

    So, yeah, Joe's pet slumlords operate their places in such a fashion that they might as well hang signs up painted in 80-point type that say DRUGGIES AND WHORES WELCOME HERE!! and GANGSTER DISCIPLES NORTHTOWN HEADQUARTERS and GREAT COMMERCIAL LOCATION FOR PHARMEUCETICAL DEALERS."

    2/14/2007 12:02 PM
    So if you live in section 8 housing you MUST be a whore, a druggie, or a gangbanger/dealer. Certainly she knows that the Gangster Disciples is a black gang. What a racist bitch! God help our community if these folks are ever in charge.


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