Help Charlie the Dachshund Get Back Surgery!

My best friend is Charlie, a seven-year-old dachshund. I adopted him two years ago. In mid-Sept 2024, his back began to cause him excruciating pain. He desperately needs back surgery for IVDD (Intervertebral Disc Disease, a degenerative condition). That will cost $10,000 or more (half for an MRI and half for the surgery, plus related costs. He is often in such pain that he hunches his back, with tail between his legs and head drooping. Until a few weeks ago, he was playful and energetic. 

Charlie is now bed-ridden, and my greatest hope is to be able to take him on walks again.

I’m a retired 69-year-old man living in Houston, Texas with fixed Social Security income and need your assistance, please. 

I opted for the "conservative" approach for now, which is strict rest and medication. If I raise enough funds, I'll get his surgery done. But, thanks to donors, I'm able to afford good meds for the little guy to keep him pain free. Donations also bought a kennel cage for him ($40.00).

Being able to confine him is a big help; I can go outside and not worry about him tearing up my bedroom and, most importantly, possibly hurting himself in the process. The meds seem to be working well for keeping him pain free and calm (I'm not looking forward to the inevitable thunderstorm).

After two weeks on The Long March To Recovery, and I've had to adjust my lifestyle a bit but not drastically. I'm not complaining; it's a labor of love to help Charlie. Any help from you will be appreciated.

What Everyone Missed About Kamala's Doritos Quest

By Tom Mannis

Many of us already know how fake Kamala Harris is.She has a habit of reminding Americans of her fakeness with insincere statements and outright falsehoods. 

One of those falsehoods is her claim Tupac is the "best rapper alive" while running for VP in 2020 on the Biden ticket (watch her say it here). When she was reminded by the interviewer that Tupac died in 1996, Harris chuckled and said, "I keep doing that." 

Which begs the question: Why does she keep doing that? She can't even remember that one of her favorite rappers died many years ago? And we're supposed to think she can remember important affairs of state? 

And here's where we move on to the Doritos® problem.

Harris and her husband "Dougie," along with Tampon Tim Walz and his wife what's-her-name, searched for Doritos® in a gas station in a staged setup. Once they found what Harris was craving, she said that the snack chips were her "go to, the original Nacho Cheese." Ooops, there's the falsehood.

That might be the most important part of video. Am I the only one who caught this? You see, Nacho Cheese® Doritos® is not "the original." Watch her say it in this video (at 0:39):

She can't remember that one of her favorite rappers is long dead, and she is unaware that her favorite snack food (her "go to") is not the original version of it.  Remember, too, that she initially requested Corn Nuts®, as pointed out in Dom Lucre's tweet on X (above). Is Harris that forgetful? Is she that stupid? Or is she simply that fake?

The original version of Doritos® were "unflavored," according to their maker Frito-Lay:


Believe it or not, Nacho Cheese is not the first Doritos® flavor! The initial recipe was unflavored, but later seasoning was added to revamp the taste which created the original flavor, Doritos® Taco.

"The initial flavor was simply toasted corn, followed by taco in 1967, and the now-ubiquitous nacho cheese in 1972," according to Wikipedia. Kamala Harris was born October 20, 1964, making her eight years old when her "go to" nacho cheese flavor was introduced. Did she never have Doritos® before then? Easy to believe she didn't, but c'mon man. And even if she didn't, by the time she was eight there were at least three varieties of the chips. What made her assume that nacho cheese was "the original?"

Harris has some major flip-flops in her resume, changes of opinion about major policy issues. Perhaps, we can add Doritos to the list, along with the border wall, health insurance, fracking, and more. 

Tim Walz lies about his food preferences, too. In a highly staged conversation with Harris, he claimed that he's "just not much of a spice guy." Ugh. Turns out, however, that White Bread Timmy is a spice guy, and has even won an award in 2016 for his spicy Turkey Taco Tot Hotdish recipe...which he bragged about in a tweet on January 11, 2022.

Let's get back to the Doritos thing. What's up with them using big-name Democrats in their commercials? Now, I'm not saying the gas station acquisition of Doritos was an advert, but it sure looked like one. Did Frito-Lay donate a huge amount of money to Harris for gushing about Doritos as her "go to" favorite? Check out this Doritos ad from the Super Bowl (1995) that featured New York governor Mario Cuomo and Texas governor Ann Richards — both Democrats:

BEST Biden Bloopers Ever (So Far)

Joe Biden is a walking gaffe machine. Or perhaps I say a stumbling gaffe machine. Sure, everybody misspeaks now and then, but Biden's propensity for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time is legendary. But we'll give him this: He's consistent in his ability to impressively f*ck up a simple statement, to mangle a common phrase, and slaughter the English language. 

And that leads us to this magnificent collection of Bidenisms, curated by Andrew of the "Don't Walk, Run!" channel on YouTube.

This video is one of his best ever. Posted on 12/02/2024, "The TOP 30 Biden Blooper Countdown! (New for 2024!)" is a knockout. Andrew's videos are usually run 10 to 15 minutes, but this one clocks in at 52:19 — and is worth every second. It's nearly an hour of Biden's best buffoonery. Precious.

Andrew is our go-to for amusing videos about Biden's goofiness. He describes his mission this way: "I like using facts and data to point out hypocrisy coming from politicians and the media." Indeed, and he does it masterfully. His edits and clever commentary make subscribing to Don't Walk, Run! a must-do.

Facebook Fact Checkers Suck

The humorless "fact checkers" at Facebook have struck again. I shared the video below to my timeline but the douchebag who "check facts" got their rectums in a tight knot over it. I don't know who created the video, but I found it posted by presidentialreviews on Instagram. Facebook not only put their "fact check" notice on my post, they even cut the sound from it

But Instagram, also owned by Meta, did not cut the sound from the same video on presidentialreview's post — although they also put a "partially false information" notice on it. 

Here is the video in question:

As any rational person would understand, the narration presents the opinion of a female speaker. As usual, it's not explained by the "fact checkers" which part of the video comprises the "partially false information." But the "fact checkers" aren't interested in facts, only in their own opinions as reported by Breitbart on Dec. 21, 2021:

Facebook admitted that its “fact check” operation — which can make or break online publishers — is not, actually, factual....

As such, Facebook “fact checks” often reflect the opinions of the third-party media outlets that Facebook uses as fact-checkers. Whether they are right or wrong, the entire exercise is inextricable from problems of bias and conflicts of interest.

So the "fact checkers" didn't like the opinion expressed in the video because it disagreed with their opinion. That's not fact checking, it's thought suppression. 

CRINGY Video Goes Viral (Again): Service Is Selling

"Service Is Selling" - So bad it's good
I stumbled across this on Facebook
on November 16. It's one of those productions that's so bad that the badness level makes it accidentally great. 

Like a cheezie 1950s sci-fi flick or a messy motorcycle accident, you can't take your eyes off it. It holds your attention despite being awful — or, perhaps, because it's so awful. That's why it's going viral again in late 2023.

I initially knew nothing about the story behind this viral cinematic gem. What I first saw was only a partial version (below) of it that runs 89 seconds of the original 3:07 (below). I wanted to see the whole thing and to know the history behind it, so I did some research.

According to a WGN News report in 2022, the video was made as an employee training video for a chain of gift shops in Alaska called "Once In A Blue Moose." The company's president, Vernon Cates, is credited with producing the musical video. He wrote the music and the script. The video was shot at several of the company's stores in Anchorage. 

Fame and Fear in Alaska: According to Cates, some of the employees became overnight "stars" in Anchorage. Strangers would approach them on the streets. So, "for their safety," he blurred out some of their faces to protect their anonymity. In 2011, Cates posted his blurred version on YouTube. He wrote this in the description: "I have added some blurs at this time due to how big this video has gotten and people were legitimately becoming famous and recognized on the street. This may change when the hype dies down again." But the horse, so to speak, was already out of the barn before he blurred faces, and unblurred copies of the video can still be found on YouTube, Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, TikTok, and elsewhere. 

This video might prove the theory that white folks have no rhythm (or maybe not). Yes, it's "so bad, it's good." To be fair, Once In A Blue Moose has a great website with beautiful products. But that training video - yikes! But to their credit, they good-naturedly acknowledged the wonderful weirdness of the production in their own Facebook post 11 years ago: 

Joe Biden, Pathological Liar

Joe Biden is a serial liar. That's a well-established FACT. It is indisputable. Anybody who says Biden has not been a habitual fabulist for decades is either a fool or are themselves liars. 

This opinion piece in the Washington Times (July 9, 2023) sums it up well: 

For example, back in the 1980s, when then-Sen. Joe Biden ran for president for the first time, his campaign imploded over a swarm of lies he’d repeated across the country. First, Mr. Biden was caught plagiarizing a famous speech from British Labor Party Leader Neil Kinnock. Then he plagiarized another speech from Robert F. Kennedy, another from John F. Kennedy and another from former Sen. Hubert Humphrey.

Then Mr. Biden was caught lying about academic awards that he never earned, about scholarships that he never received, and about his ranking in law school, stating he graduated in the top half of his class when, in fact, he finished 76th of 85. (Read the full article)

Biden has, for decades, claimed that he's just an ordinary average guy. He loves the nicknames "Middle Class Joe" and "Lunch Box Joe," and presents himself as understanding of working class folks. 

He's even claimed that he was "poor." That's right: Poor. But is he, or was he, poor? Andrew of Don't Walk, Run! Productions on YouTube looks at the claim in this video:

This video by Newsmax details Biden's long history of lying:

So, is Biden a liar or is he senile? There are too many examples of Biden telling huge lies for decades, so we know for a fact that he's a liar. The state of his mental health is debatable, I suppose, and I'm no psychiatrist. But most people look at the bizarre things he's been saying for years now and can't help wonder: Is this liar also nuts? And then there's the supposed 81 million voters who allegedly elected Biden. Are they just as nuts too?

  • Biden says wife Jill once complained he was ‘poorest’ man in Congress in latest fishy tale - NYPost
  • Is Biden Senile or a Pathological Liar? - National Review
  • President Biden and his family are liars (letter to editor) - Chatham Star-Tribune
  • Joe Biden Isn’t a Gaffe Machine – He’s a Total Liar - MSN

Hunter, The Magazine For Senators' Sons

Chill, this is just satire
We've put together a new magazine called "Hunter," designed with children of the privileged and politicians in mind. It's inspired by Hunter Biden. He's the son of Joe Biden, one of the most corrupt and dishonest US senators, vice presidents and presidents in history. 

But it's that very corruption and dishonesty that shaped Hunter into the man he is today. Papa Joe describes Hunter as "the most intelligent guy I know," and considering the people Joe hangs out with, we don't doubt it. 

This seems like a good place to quote rock band Credence Clearwater Revival's song, Fortunate One:

Some folks are born made to wave the flag,
Ooh, they're red, white and blue.
And when the band plays "Hail to the chief",
Ooh, they point the cannon at you, Lord,

It ain't me, it ain't me,
I ain't no senator's son, son.
It ain't me, it ain't me;
I ain't no fortunate one, no,

Some folks are born silver spoon in hand,
Lord, don't they help themselves, oh.
But when the taxman comes to the door,
Lord, the house looks like a rummage sale, yes

Speaking Ill of the Dead (Sometimes, It's a Duty)

John Wayne Gacy, Jr.
Go ahead, speak ill of him.
John Wayne Gacy, Jr.
Yes, I've spoken ill of him, and of Adolf Hitler, Al Capone. The fact that those scumbags are dead has not deterred me, nor many of you. They were horrible people, and the fact that they are dead does not change that fact. To not speak of their misdeeds is to put your head in the sand, to deny history, reality and to deny us an opportunity to learn...and express honest feelings. 

Is any sane person saying nice things in memory of "Unabomber" Ted Kaczynski? Reports say he committed suicide in his prison cell on Saturday, June 10, 2023. Kaczynski "carried out a 17-year bombing campaign that killed three people and injured 23 others." 

Good riddance, I say, and I'm not alone. 

The old saying "don't speak ill of the dead" assumes that every dead person deserves respect. But plenty of people do say nasty things about dead people. Some deserve it, some don't. I suppose it could be a matter of personal perception, one that will find disagreement among us. But there are some who absolutely deserve to be spoken ill of after they've died.