UPDATED: Over 1,000 Occupy Protesters March Toward CPAC Meeting in Washington

UPDATE: Earlier today, a large group of Occupy protesters were on their way to interrupt CPAC in Washington, D.C. From all accounts, there were hundreds. Somehow, the protest seems to have evaporated into a disorganized, very weak and failed attempt. See our full update here: "Occupy CPAC Fails To Occupy CPAC (LOL)"
February 10, 2012 - 2:30 PM ET - At least 800 to 1,000 Occupy protesters are walking toward the CPAC gathering in Washington, D.C. at this moment. Watch it live below. Many of the "Occupy CPAC" goons were actually paid to march and cause trouble.

CPAC is the "Conservative Political Action Conference," is an annual gathering of conservatives. It is being held at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in D.C., Feb. 9-11.

Recent reports that Occupy and union thugs were planning to cause trouble for CPAC this week seem to now be proven correct.  Watch "Occupy CPAC" protesters live below (via Ustream) and watch CPAC live at cpac2012.conservative.org. Also, follow the action on Twitter at #OccupyCPAC and at SooperMexican.com.

Video streaming by Ustream

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